Dr Manjiri Bakre

With an intricate disease like Cancer, it is important to develop tests that help in classifying the patterns of cancer risk”, said Dr Manjiri Bakre, CEO & Founder, OncoStem Diagnostics Pvt Ltd. Understanding of these patterns ensures that patients receive personalized therapies and treatments that are best suited to their condition.

Highlighting the importance of Ayushman Bharat and implementing the same for the benefit of the patients, Dr. Manjiri said, “Ayushman Bharat is an excellent programme and we are looking forward to have implementing it for the benefit of the patients at the larger scale.”

Further talking about OncoStem Diagnostics Pvt Ltd, she said,” OncoStem Diagnostics was founded 2011 with a goal to come up with oncologist diagnostics focused company, aiming at developing innovative tests for early-stage breast cancer patients.”

Having said this, she gave an insight on the different stages of cancer and the multitude of side effects that chemotherapy causes to the patients. “The first thing that strikes about Chemotherapy is the side effects of the therapy which deteriorates the patient’s quality of life. The first image about cancer that generates in our minds is a patient who has lost her hair, become fragile and weak and prone to many infections”, Dr. Manjiri continued.

“It is a well known fact that not every patient benefits from chemotherapy but it is extremely important for patients who are diagnosed with advanced stage cancers. Also, 3 out of 4 patients diagnosed with early stage breast cancer may not need chemotherapy”, said CEO & Founder, OncoStem Diagnostics Pvt Ltd.

She further underlined the tests to determine the need for chemotherapy which comprised of CanAssist-Breast and Western tests. “Such tests that determine the benefit of chemotherapy is well used in the western world”, she stated.

Most importantly, a lot of patients are aware of the side effects of chemotherapy and similarly they are making very informed choices on their own treatment.

Commenting on the same, Dr. Manjiri said, “It is important to develop innovative tests to personalize treatment for cancer patients. A proper understanding of tumor biology helps physicians in optimizing therapy for cancer patients.”

“Our flagship product CanAssist Breast has been launched for breast cancer. Currently, we are working on similar tests for other cancer types including oral and ovarian cancer. Research is underway towards identifying and characterizing novel drug targets for breast and oral cancer”, said CEO & Founder, OncoStem Diagnostics Pvt Ltd.

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