It took India over 50 years to invest in a public health initiative like NRHM : Keshav Desiraju, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government, India
It took India over 50 years to invest in a public health initiative like NRHM : Keshav Desiraju, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government, India

As the Additional Secretary with Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Keshav Desiraju plays a pivotal role in transforming the public health sector in India. He shared his views on the key challenges that hamper the growth of the Indian healthcare industry and the government’s role in overcoming these challenges in a candid interview with eHEALTH in the sidelines of the Healthcare Leaders’ Forum

Workshop on Renewable Energy for Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions
Workshop on Renewable Energy for Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions

At the backdrop of the growing needs of power in the healthcare sector and healthcare institutions, Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI) had organised for a workshop on ‘Renewable Energy for Hospitals and Healthcare Institutions,’ sponsored by Ministry of New &Renewable Energy (MNRE) at the Holy Family Hospital Auditorium for all matters relating to new and renewable energy such as solar, wind, biomass, small hydro, hydrogen, geothermal etc.

Texas Instruments Developer Conference
Texas Instruments Developer Conference

[This article was published in the December 2008 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (]

The Silicon Valley of India hosted in early November an august gathering of researchers and developers of cutting edge technology at the 11th edition of Texas Instruments Developer Conference (TIDC).

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