A Bridge to DR
A Bridge to DR

DR imaging technology has emerged as the leading solution for workflow, productivity and X-ray image quality. However, as facilities plan […]

Modelling the Future
Modelling the Future

[This article was published in the March 2011 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org) ] An integrated RIS-PACS solution lessens the manipulation of image manually and gives more time to the expert for faster uations

Carestream introduces DirectView Vita CR System
Carestream introduces DirectView Vita CR System

Carestream Health India has introduced an affordable new tabletop CR, the Carestream DirectView Vita CR System that provides rapid image access to help increase both the speed and accuracy of patient diagnosis. The compact imaging system is ideal for use in independent imaging centers, clinics, multi-physician offices, as well as chiropractic and veterinary facilities.
