VBKN15-HLTH-AIIMS_DE_12525fAIIMS has been allocated Rs 1,470 crore against last years Rs 1,365 crore. The Plan allocation for the institute is Rs 550 crore and Non-Plan Rs 920 crore.
A considerable amount of funds will be utilised for the residential accommodation of the faculty staff. For other projects like expansion of the Trauma Centre, separate funds were allocated earlier. The other major chunk of the budget is for paying salaries to the staff, said Dr M C Misra, Director, AIIMS.
In the Budget, the Centre has allocated Rs 33,150 crore to set up AIIMS or AIIMS-like institutes in five other states “ Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Tamil Nadu and Bihar.
The Centre has granted Rs 657 crore for Safdarjung Hospital, compared to Rs 601 crore last year. Of the total amount, Rs 357 crore is for Plan expenditure.
The Non-Plan allocation amount will be spent on paying salaries, procuring medicines and equipment, among other miscellaneous expenses. The Plan allocation will be mainly spent on the upcoming 850-bed super-speciaility block and the 500-block emergency block in the premises. The construction has been going on for the past one-and-a-half years. So far, Rs 450 crore has been spent on these projects, said Dr Rajpal, medical superintendent, Safdarjung Hospital.
There has been an increase in fund allocation for Vardhman Mahaveer Medical College from last years Rs 9.5 crore to Rs 11.5 crore.
The other key hospital run by the Centre here, Ram Manohar Lohia will also see an increase in funds by Rs 74 crore. Last year, the hospital was granted Rs 361 crore.
The Ram Manohar Lohia PG Institute of Medical Education & Research has also seen the allocation increased by Rs 4 crore to Rs 25 crore.
Meanwhile, the LadyˆHardinge Medical College and Sucheta Kriplani Hospital together have seen an increase in the Budget allocation by Rs 30 crore. From last years Rs 220 crore, the amount granted for 2015-16 has gone up to Rs 250 crore. The major chunk of the allocation has been reserved for the Non-Plan Budget.

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