New software features for three of Carestreams DRX digital radiography systems can enhance the quality of pediatric and ICU imaging, boost productivity and offer new print options. These features are available for order and will be shipping by mid-July with new DRX-1 Systems, DRX-Mobile Retrofit Kits and DRX-Transportable Systems. Existing customers will be able to upgrade existing systems with new software.

New features include:

A companion image (from the original exposure) for pneumothorax visualization accentuates the appearance of free air in the chest cavity. A new ICU package also includes Tube and Line Visualization for enhanced patient care and automatic image display in the correct orientation for improved productivity.

Tailored image processing specific to pediatric views can optimize image quality by choosing default processing parameters to suppress noise and enhance detail based on patient size.

Software for chest imaging outlines areas in the image to alert a technologist if a retake might be needed due to incorrect positioning. Vendor-neutral IEC exposure index values allow technologists to see if they are within the acceptable exposure range to improve overall workflow and optimize image quality.

Tailored image processing produces consistent rendering of portable chest images to help reduce day-to-day and image-to-image variability, which is helpful to physicians who are monitoring changes in a patients condition.

Prior Image Review software allows a user to query and retrieve prior images of the same patient from a PACS to review techniques and positioning.

 General workflow enhancements including a simplified image review screen and 2-D barcode support; and Multi-format print enhancements can help boost productivity with the ability to add markers and adjust the image. Additional print layouts optimize film usage.

Versatile DRX Detectors Can Be Moved to Other DRX Systems

To ensure maximum utilization, any DRX detector can be used with any DRX system. Detectors used with portable imaging systems for evening or early morning rounds can be used with X-ray systems in the ER or general radiology rooms during the day. This versatility allows a healthcare provider to achieve close to 24/7 usage of their detectors.

The DRX family of imaging systems includes: CARESTREAM DRX-1 System, CARESTREAM DRX-Mobile Retrofit Kit, CARESTREAM DRX-Evolution modular DR suite, CARESTREAM DRX-Transportable System; and CARESTREAM DRX-Ascend System.

The exceptional flexibility and image quality offered by the DRX family of digital X-ray systems makes these solutions an ideal fit for general radiography exams including orthopedic, trauma and pediatric as well as other specialty care environments.


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