Max Healthcare is gradually shifting to an IT based infrastructure. It has recently introduced a bar code around a patient’s wrist to avoid drug errors. Such medication errors are supposed to be one of the top killers as mentioned by World Health Organization(WHO). The concept of Bar Coded Medication Administration (BCMA) – a unique concept was first conceived by an American nurse in 1994. It can help in reducing errors in case of distribution and prescription medications at hospitals. The software helps to identify correct medications, at the correct time by keeping all the records encoded in bar codes to be administered by the doctor or nurse only. Such a barcode holds all vital information about the patient and his medication, including what drugs s/he is allergic to. BCMA ensures it is the right patient getting the right medication at the right time, the right dose and by the right route. This greatly reduces medication errors and improves time of delivery by 97 percent. Apart from the barcode readers, it also consists of barcode printer, computer on wheels (COW). The records will thus be digitally recorded and stored and transferred easily for reference. The software has reduced errors to an extent that it can detect if the patient is allergic to the new drug prescribed.
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