Medical services provider Fortis Healthcare recently said it is taking over the operational and management control of Apollo Modi Hospital in Kota. In a filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange, the company said it is taking control of the 200-bedded Apollo Modi Hospital in Kota (Rajasthan). “We are committed to providing quality healthcare to the people of Rajasthan,” Fortis Healthcare Managing Director Shivinder Mohan Singh. The hospital has been renamed as ‘Fortis Modi Hospital’. This is the third hospital added to the Fortis network in the last one month, the filing added. Fortis Modi Hospital is equipped with new technology and offers services in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery and urology, the filing added. Earlier last month, Fortis had announced the acquisition of Fortis Clinique Darne in Mauritius and Apollo RM Hospital in Bangalore, it added.
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