Poor countries losing out on family planning benefits: New World Bank Report findings
Poor countries losing out on family planning benefits: New World Bank Report findings

A new World Bank report titled Population Issues in the 21st Century: The Role of the World Bank, released recently warns that poor countries, wealthy donors, and aid agencies are losing sight of the value of contraception, family planning, and other reproductive health programs so as to boost economic growth, and reduce high birth rates which are strongly linked with endemic poverty, poor education, and high numbers of maternal and infant deaths.

Snapshot of India’s Development Deficits
Snapshot of India’s Development Deficits

As is well known, income or consumption poverty is often used as shorthand to capture economic wellbeing of people. However, there is almost a consensus view among social scientists by now that such a view of poverty is too narrow and it is absolutely necessary to go beyond hunger and malnutrition and include several other features in conceptualising poverty, such as deprivation (or poor access) in terms of clothing, shelter, basic social services including primary health care, sanitation, education, shelter etc., political powerlessness, socio-cultural marginalisation and exclusion, among others. By any reckoning, development deficits in India are huge in terms of attaining the MDGs (Millennium Development Goals).


[This article was published in the May 2011 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org) ] One of the fastest growing segments in the non-life insurance industry, health insurance offers hope for a healthy living

News Review World
News Review World

Greek scientists develop heart attack  calculator Researchers have developed a quick and easy artificial intelligence approach to successfully calculate a […]


Surgery in the US, watched in PakistanThe Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan has recently made successful inroads in the […]

Health for All
Health for All

[This article was published in the June 2010 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org)]

With the Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project now in place, the state government is upbeat about making its public sector health services more accessible to the poor
