Roll Back Malaria
Roll Back Malaria

Asia-Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance, Roll Back Malaria Partnership and Empower School of Health Urge Greater Private Sector Investment to Overcome […]

Maternal Mortality in India: 1997-2003, Trends, Causes and Risk Factors
Maternal Mortality in India: 1997-2003, Trends, Causes and Risk Factors

The survey study titled Maternal Mortality in India: 1997-2003, Trends, Causes and Risk Factors, shows that overall MMR [maternal mortality ratio, which means number of maternal deaths to women (in the age group 15-49 years) per 1 lakh live births to women (in the age group 15-49 years)], which was nearly 400 in the year 1997-98, has declined to about 300 in the year 2001-03, thus registering a decline of 24 per cent during this period based on SRS data.

Should you trust health advice from internet forums?
Should you trust health advice from internet forums?

Health information on the internet used to be shaped by doctors. Now it’s being shaped by patients. And it’s patients, not doctors, who are making the real progress in providing health information that delivers what people really want to know. But how do you know if this information and advice is trustworthy, and worth heeding?


[This article was published in the June 2010 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (]

News Review : June 2010

Technology to Bolster Healthcare
Technology to Bolster Healthcare

[This article was published in the May 2009 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (]

While healthcare becomes ever more complex, technology is providing answers for some of the most challenging aspects of medicine. eHealth brings you a low down on medical technologies that are changing the way we provide clinical care.
