400 Vaccines In Development to Fight Infectious Diseases
400 Vaccines In Development to Fight Infectious Diseases

Critical challenges remain in the centuries-old battles against infectious diseases, particularly as bacteria and viruses mutate and as the threat of bioterrorism grows. More than 9.5 million people worldwide die each year from infectious diseases. Of particular concern today are virulent forms of ‘super bugs’ that have mutated and grown resistant to available antibiotics.

GE Healthcare to invest $1 billion in oncology solutions
GE Healthcare to invest $1 billion in oncology solutions

GE Healthcare, the health business of General Electric, announced its plans to dedicate $1billion of its total R&D budget over the next five years to expand its advanced cancer diagnostic and molecular imaging capabilities, as well as its world-class technologies for the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals and for cancer research.


ICT deployment in hospitals can cut operating costsOnce hospitals exceed a certain tipping point in its IT investments, they see […]
