“Clinical Research is a recession-proof industry” : Vijay Moza, CREMA – Clinical Research Education and Management  Academy
“Clinical Research is a recession-proof industry” : Vijay Moza, CREMA – Clinical Research Education and Management Academy

CREMA – Clinical Research Education and Management Academy, is a premier training and research institute in Clinical and Biomedical studies. Launched in 2007 in Mumbai, it runs three campuses at Bengaluru, New Delhi and Hyderabad and plans to set up three more centers by the end of 2009. Last year CREMA started a full-time Advanced Post Graduate Ddiploma in Clinical Research.

IT @ HOSPITAL Survey 2008,Part-II,West India
IT @ HOSPITAL Survey 2008,Part-II,West India

[This article was published in the September 2008 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org)]

The per capita income in Western India is the highest in the country at USD 850 (PPP). It would be appropriate then to assume that this would have an impact on the level of automation of medical care in the region.

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