ICT Becomes Healthy
ICT Becomes Healthy

The first eHealth World Forum was held from 1st -3rd August 2011 to create a platform for dignitaries from all over the world and discuss emerging issues

ICT Becomes
ICT Becomes

[This article was published in the September 2011 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org) ] The first eHealth World Forum was held from 1st -3rd August 2011 to create a platform for dignitaries from all over the world and discuss emerging issues in depth in the areas of IT and technology in the healthcare services sector


[This article was published in the May 2011 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org) ] One of the fastest growing segments in the non-life insurance industry, health insurance offers hope for a healthy living

Fighting Fit!
Fighting Fit!

[This article was published in the September 2010 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org)]

Health insurance is the most effective and conventional way by which people collectively pool their risk of incurring medical expenses.
