The Labour Department of Karnataka has directed private hospitals and nursing homes in the state to pay a minimum salary of Rs 40,000 to junior doctors and Rs 10,140 to nurses, a media report said.

The department has issued a notification in this regard under the Karnataka Minimum Wages Act, 2016, the Economic Times reported, adding that the decision was taken after the Supreme Court directed the central government to set up a panel to investigate the living conditions and salary structure of nurses employed in private hospitals and nursing homes.

Many in the private sector take home Rs 3,000-7,000 a month. Even domestic helps get paid more. Though we are happy that the government has decided to fix the minimum wage for nurses, the amount (Rs 10,000) is not impressive. In neighbouring Kerala, the figure is Rs 20,000, C Maria, a member of state nurses association, was quoted as saying.

As per the state Labour Department notification, a junior doctor (allopathy, homoeopathy and ayurveda) with a degree should get Rs 40,000 and a diploma holder Rs 10,000. The minimum wage for nurses is Rs 10,140-11,180 and matrons and clinical supervisors is Rs 9,802-Rs 10,790.

For laboratory technicians, X-ray operators, radiographers, pharmacists and others, the figure is between Rs 9,100 and Rs 10,010 per month, according to the report.

The private hospitals and nursing homes have been told to pay salaries based on zonal classification “ Bengaluru (zone 1), district headquarters (zone 2) and other parts of the state (zone 3).

Private hospital staff in Bengaluru will get the highest salary, followed by the employees of district headquarters and others places.

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