Life Insurance Corporation of India has launched a new non-linked health insurance plan called ‘Jeevan Arogya’. The company has sold more than 10,000 policies in less than a week and expects the product to be a grand success. The policy offers comprehensive hospitalisation benefits for the whole family of the principal insured. The plan also offers to cover the parents-in-law of the principal insured besides the spouse, minor children and parents up to age 80. This is a combination of hospital cash and defined benefit policy. This plan is not a substitute for mediclaim, but can act as a supplement. The hospital cash benefit pays daily allowance for every day of hospitalisation. It is offered for a maximum of 30 days in the first year and 90 days per year thereafter, inclusive of stay in an ICU (intensive care unit). The maximum number of days in an ICU is restricted to 15 in the first year and to 45 days per year thereafter. There are four options offered for per-day allowance

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