Wi-fi for Eye Care in Rural Tamil Nadu
Wi-fi for Eye Care in Rural Tamil Nadu

[This article was published in the November 2007 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org)]

With an estimated 15 million visually challenged people, India is home to the largest blind population in the world. The main causes are cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. Thanks to the new technology used at Aravind Eye Hospital, Theni – thousands of villagers are now able to receive timely eye care.

Perot Systems expands in India
Perot Systems expands in India

Perot Systems, the second largest solution providers for the healthcare vertical in the US, having a $1.25 billion business in the healthcare industry, recently set up shop in Tamil Nadu.
In India, the solution provider now has set-ups in Chennai and Coimbatore (in Tamil Nadu) apart from ones in Bangalore and Noida.

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