If the outcome of a nationwide survey commissioned by UNICEF is anything to go by, Indian mothers, would-be mothers and children are in the pink of health.

SevenHills Health City
SevenHills Health City

[This article was published in the September 2011 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org) ] SevenHills Group has over two decades of experience in the healthcare sector. It is one of the first paperless hospitals in India, providing quality healthcare and valuable expertise

Maternal Mortality in India: 1997-2003, Trends, Causes and Risk Factors
Maternal Mortality in India: 1997-2003, Trends, Causes and Risk Factors

The survey study titled Maternal Mortality in India: 1997-2003, Trends, Causes and Risk Factors, shows that overall MMR [maternal mortality ratio, which means number of maternal deaths to women (in the age group 15-49 years) per 1 lakh live births to women (in the age group 15-49 years)], which was nearly 400 in the year 1997-98, has declined to about 300 in the year 2001-03, thus registering a decline of 24 per cent during this period based on SRS data.

India Update
India Update

Madhya Pradesh commences e-healthcareNeonatal care through videoconfere-ncing is finally here. Sagar district in Madhya Pradesh, India has achieved that distinction. […]

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