

A tie-up to boost the flow of telemedicine Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences Telemedicine Center has selected Spacenet […]


ICT deployment in hospitals can cut operating costsOnce hospitals exceed a certain tipping point in its IT investments, they see […]

TI, IIT-Kgp in medical tech pact
TI, IIT-Kgp in medical tech pact

Texas Instruments (TI), the global information technology company, has signed a four-year collaborative agreement with the School of Medical Science and Technology of Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP), to develop semiconductor technologies that will help improve the quality, comfort and accessibility of healthcare in India.

The Drug Check eTEN Project
The Drug Check eTEN Project

The objective of the Drug Check project is to validate an on-line, pan-European service, which gathers, organises, stores, makes available and presents information and data covering pharmaceuticals and their interactions.

Breakthrough in medical device interoperability
Breakthrough in medical device interoperability

Cambridge Consultants announced recently the first demonstration of the emerging industry standards for medical device interoperability. The ‘Vena’ platform is a breakthrough software solution on a single chip that allows medical devices such as blood pressure monitors to transmit data wirelessly.
