Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Karnataka, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu continue to report a surge in the Covid daily cases. They cumulatively account for 85.6% of the new cases reported in the past 24 hours, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).
According to MoHFW, 23,285 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours. Maharashtra has reported the highest daily new cases at 14,317 (61.48% of the daily new cases). It is followed by Kerala with 2,133 while Punjab reported 1,305 new cases.
India’s total active caseload has reached 1,97,237 today. India’s present active caseload now stands at 1.74% of India’s total Positive Cases.
Five states cumulatively account for 82.96% of the total active cases in the country. Two states – Maharashtra and Kerala- account for 71.69% of India’s total active cases. The centre is “actively” engaging with all state and UT governments, especially those showing an upsurge in daily new cases and with a high caseload of active cases. The union government is regularly reviewing the status of Covid containment and public health measures with them, it said.
Recently, the centre rushed high-level public health teams to Maharashtra and Punjab to assist in Covid-19 control and containment measures in view of the recent spike in cases in these States. It had earlier also deputed high-level teams to Maharashtra, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Jammu and Kashmir to support them in their fight against the recent spike in Covid-19 cases. The reports of central teams are shared with the states for further follow-up action. The follow-up and compliance on part of states are monitored by MoHFW.
Meanwhile, more than 2.61 cr (2,61,64,920) vaccine doses have been administered through 4,87,919 sessions, as per the provisional report till 7 am today. These include 72,23,071 HCWs (first dose), 40,56,285 HCWs (second dose), 71,21,124 FLWs (first dose) and 6,72,794 FLWs (second dose), 10,30,612 beneficiaries aged more than 45 years with specific co-morbidities (first dose) and 60,61,034 beneficiaries aged more than 60 years.
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