Medical groups launch e-prescribing web site aims to persuade physicians to switch from paper-based medical prescriptions to e-prescribing, claiming it can reduce errors and save lives. aims to persuade physicians to switch from paper-based medical prescriptions to e-prescribing, claiming it can reduce errors and save lives.
Google Inc has unveiled a plan to help U.S. patients gain control of their medical records and is working with doctors’ groups, pharmacies and labs to help them securely share sensitive health data.
[This article was published in the March 2008 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (]
Dr. Lal Path Labs was established in 1949 by Major S.K. Lal. One of India�s largest medical diagnostics company, it is primarily Delhi-based, though it has a pan-India presence.
The Mumbai based Electrolab, manufacturer of dissolution tester for pharma industry in the country, will launch an online connectivity software next month.
[This article was published in the May 2007 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (]
In developed countries, telecare is emerging as a strategic enabler for the provision of independent living to older people in their own homes, driven by demographics and new technologies.
Under the ICT Best Practices for e-Government category, in the recently held Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Digital Opportunity Center (ADOC) Awards, the Philippine’s e-Nutrition project bagged the grand prize.
A contest for information and communication technology (ICT) products for disabled people, entitled “ICT – Light the Hope,” was launched in Ha Noi on 1 december.