Tags: Business/Finance, cardiology solutions, delhi, Funding, General Manager, Health care, Health Informatics, health information technology, Health/Medical/Pharmaceuticals, healthcare, healthcare market, India, Informatics, Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., medical technology, MRI, nurse, patient safety, Philips, Philips Innovation Campus, products/solutions, Rajeev Agarwal, technology mix
Philips in the Anesthesia Market
Royal Philips Electronics has acquired Dameca, a global provider of anesthesia machines and accessories for the operating room.
Local Chemotherapy Delivery to Tumours
Royal Philips Electronics and Eindhoven University of Technology announced an important development in MRI-guided local drug delivery for cancer treatment. Image-guided drug delivery has been studied by scientists all around the world for almost a decade because it may enable a beneficial increase in tumor chemotherapy drug levels, thereby increasing treatment efficacy without an increase in adverse side effects. The joint research team has now demonstrated in pre-clinical studies that an improved local drug uptake in tumors is achieved, and that it can be visualised and measured in real time.
Philips leads European SonoDrugs project
Royal Philips Electronics recently announced that it is leading a major new European project to develop drug delivery technologies that could significantly impact the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Philips collaborates with radiographers to extend healthcare education
Royal Philips Electronics and the International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) announced a unique program to extend healthcare education in Europe, Asia and the South Pacific.
Development of Magnetic Particle Imaging Technology
Royal Philips Electronics is working towards the development of whole-body Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) systems and preclinical hybrid systems that combine MPI with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
News Review
Philips Organises Conference on Sleep ApnoeaPhilips Respironics recently organised a conference called “wake up to sleep”. The conference was based […]
Philips and UCMC partner on imaging research trial
Royal Philips Electronics has announced that it is working with the University of Chicago Medical Center on a closed loop imaging research trial to integrate information systems with imaging systems.
Philips introduces multimodality, multivendor imaging portal
Royal Philips Electronics introduced the Philips IntelliSpace Portal, a multimodality workspace that uses advanced networking capabilities to facilitate collaboration between radiologists and referring clinicians that may lead to faster, more accurate and informed patient care.
Philips launches 24/7 pacemaker monitoring
Royal Philips Electronics has announced a new service that provides Web-based remote monitoring follow-up services for patients with pacemakers.
Philips and Electron complete first installation of a Russian-made CT scanner for the Russian market
Royal Philips Electronics and Electron, a leading Russian medical equipment manufacturer, recently announced that they have completed Russia
Philips Electronics India
[This article was published in the November 2010 issue of the eHEALTH Magazine (https://www.ehealthonline.org)]
Philips Healthcare in India operates in the diagnostic imaging segment including CT, MRI, X-rays, cardiovascular system, nuclear medicine, PET-CT, and ultrasound imaging systems, and is also a significant player in patient monitoring.
Philips calls to address the challenge of aging populations
In a keynote speech entitled ‘Towards Next Generation Home Healthcare’, delivered at the 2010 Nikkei-Philips Symposium, Erik Sande, General Manager, Philips Home Monitoring, reconfirmed Philips