e-Healthcare in Africa endowed with the muscle of mobility: July 2007 Issue
EDITORIAL Technology for Health is the Emerging Mantra COVER STORY Ambient Wireless Networks for Sub-Saharan Africas Health System Adesina Iluyemi TECHNOLOGY […]
EDITORIAL Technology for Health is the Emerging Mantra COVER STORY Ambient Wireless Networks for Sub-Saharan Africas Health System Adesina Iluyemi TECHNOLOGY […]
The first eHealth World Forum was held from 1st -3rd August 2011 to create a platform for dignitaries from all over the world and discuss emerging issues
Recognizing her immense contribution in steering Metropolis Healthcare Limited to scale new heights, for putting India on the global diagnostic map and for giving a new direction and thrust to the Indian diagnostic industry, Ameera Shah- Managing Director and CEO of Metropolis Healthcare Limited, has been bestowed with 2 prestigious awards.
Ghana to get a healthy fillip Recently the government of Ghana received an approval of funding from the World Bank […]
A new World Bank report titled Population Issues in the 21st Century: The Role of the World Bank, released recently warns that poor countries, wealthy donors, and aid agencies are losing sight of the value of contraception, family planning, and other reproductive health programs so as to boost economic growth, and reduce high birth rates which are strongly linked with endemic poverty, poor education, and high numbers of maternal and infant deaths.
Level of poverty has remained very high in Africa in the past, and also the present. The 2006 report on the United Nation
HealthSprint eyes 100-fold growth in users Healthcare IT services company HealthSprint plans to expand its reach a 100-fold in 2 […]
A study among couples showed early use of drugs slashed the risk of HIV infection through sex by 96 per cent.
Microsoft and HIMSS launch Health Users Group in APAC Microsoft Corp and Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) have […]
Indian made vaccine for meningitis has saved 250 million lives in Africa by the efforts of World Health Organization (WHO) and PATH, an NGO.
The prestigious INDIRA GANDHI PRIYADARSHINI AWARD 2010 was conferred on Mr Satish Kini, Founder & Chief Mentor of 21st Century Health Management Solutions Pvt Ltd , at a well attended All-India National Unity Conference
An indigenous vaccine will help rid Africa of meningitis, one of the continent’s worst enemies.