Sunil Kumar Bhushan

NIC has been involved in all the initiatives of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in all the components like EHR standards and National Health policy and then MDDS Standards and PHP, says Sunil Kumar Bhushan, Deputy Director General, National Informatics Centre (NIC) MeitY, Government of India.

We are moving towards one objective is creation of electronic health record for every citizen of the country so that is the basic objective on which we are working on and then availability of this electronic health record in the hands of the patients so with this objective government of India has basically published and approved electronic health record standards in 2016 and in 2017 National Health Policy from government of India came into picture and then in 2018 MDDS standards for health sector were published by MeitY and in 2019 a national digital health blueprint came into picture now in 2020 National Digital Health Mission has come into picture and with this series 2016 onwards 2021 will be the year of health integration and making this EHR available in the hands of the patients. NIC has been involved in all the initiatives of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in all the components like EHR standards and National Health policy and then MDDS Standards and PHP.

We have been providing services to the Ministry for the last 30 years. The components which have been declared by NDHM will be integrated with the NIC Application and how data is being protected. If you see government applications they are primarily into two categories one is horizontal applications and the other vertical applications so at the vertical applications it belongs to basically programs which are national like RCH(Reproductive and Child Health) which is earlier known as a Mother & Child Health System, PIS & TB Programs these are all verticals applications they cater to a particular benefit of beneficiaries and other applications like horizontal applications which are E hospitals, ORS and E Blood Bank like issues and these are primarily horizontal applications which are not specific to any, they are catering to all the hospitals so the major problem when they started development the major problem with these applications were huge data has been collected by these applications now they are basically developed as systems now many stakeholders outside the system has also demanded the data from these systems because a lot of data has been created in this and NIC and government of India as per prescription paid by government of India in National Health Digital Blueprint we have moved from system to ecosystem where all the stakeholder where all the users of the data started connecting with them based on the parameters and standards defined by government of INDIA in EHR standard and NHM and if we look at the problem we faced there were three kind of problem so in different applications we have different codes for same set of entities and there was no unique id to the patients we are using same id ds for the same patients and the format in which data is to be exchanged the two systems was not standardized so in these standards national digital health blueprint has addressed all the three components and e hospital have become the first application which has been integrated with digital health initiatives of digital health mission made very recently. National digital health blueprint has 5 BLUEPRINTS and five initiatives have been taken by mission that it has a health ID, digital doctor, health facility registry, PHR App and consent management.

TWO INITIATIVES SPECIALLY digi doctor and HFR they will facilitate the master codes they will be used across all the health application and in facilitate in exchanging the data and health ID will help in integrating.

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