Dr Priti Nanda Sibal

Preventive care is not limited to facilitating early diagnosis, creating awareness on diseases, it also includes reversing non communicable diseases by making lifestyle corrections – nutrition, exercise, stress and sleep management. This is what we have been strongly advocating with real life examples, writes Dr Priti Nanda Sibal, CEO, Medi-Skool and Medical Director, AB Hospitals, for Elets News Network (ENN).

There is no bigger motto than to save lives of people or help them in managing the chronic diseases in a better manner. These diseases are preventable even after having a strong genetic connect, provided prevention should be our focus.

Recently in Mann Ki Baat Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged the people to be more conscious about preventive healthcare because prevention doesnt benefit only a person but his entire family and even whole society gets benefitted with the same.

G Srinivasan, the Chairman of New India Assurance, said, The wellness policies have done well in the group individual policies. We are now looking to extend this concept to individual covers as well as add-ons at an additional premium.

Medi-Skool was born with a vision to take this holistic preventive care to all Indians focusing on early diagnosis, lifestyle and psychological counselling. With population in billions and to provide a solution, Medi-skool introduces the Preventive Healthcare under one roof with a team of doctors and psychologists who not only provide solutions / counselling / diet plans but do follow ups on the same too. It customises your lifestyle according to modern requirements.

We help you to develop better food habits from the same kitchen you have been eating from so many years which in turn helps you to be proactive with your exercise schedule, sleep better and help in managing your response to stressful situations well. This results in better management of your chronic diseases.

Today is the era of personalised healthcare. We need to look at everyone personally and offer personalised healthcare. At Medi- Skool we do detailed history and diagnostic tests to help you find the cause of your disease and then try to correct it.

Using functional medicine approach, we help you to find the key to your good health. We have helped more than 1,000 people reverse their diseases such as diabetes, PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), hypertension, cardiac diseases, migraine, relationship issues, thyroid problem, and menopausal symptoms by using functional medicine approach.


We helped a 72-year-old lady who used to take 40 units of insulin for over a decade down to eight units within six months. Some PCOD girls have lost 35 kgs and more in a year.

We have helped a woman to control her hypertension. Did uric acid medication and diabetic medicines in a span of nine months helping her to take control of her life again. Patients with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), migraine have learnt to manage their triggers better. This has been achieved not only by using the scientific knowledge but by monitoring and measuring the parameters well.

Preventive care is not only about early diagnosis, creating awareness but it also includes reversing non communicable diseases by making lifestyle corrections. This is what Medi Skool has made people believe in.

India is infamous for being the world capital for cardiovascular diseases. The Global Burden of Disease reports that the heart diseases claimed the lives of 1.7 million Indians in 2016. More than 10 lakh Indians are diagnosed with cancer annually and the number is only rising. According to Lancet journal, about six to seven lakh people lost their lives fighting cancer in our country.

With 100 per cent growth in diabetic patients in India in last 15 years and it ranks in top three countries with most diabetic population, we cant afford to ignore it. One in three Indians has hypertension today and India is among top five in Obesity Index in the world. Overall, more than 60 lakh people lost their lives to non communicable diseases (NCDs) in 2016 in the country.

The solution to this epidemic is changing our behavioural approach in health from reactive to pro-active and we must do it today than tomorrow.

As an old adage says it is better to mend the roof before the monsoon arrives, in the same way it is better to be on our toes before disease strike. Move from reactive to proactive approach in healthcare.

The distinction between proactive and reactive approaches is a recognised principle of military strategy, often expressed in the phrase seize, retain and exploit the initiative.

Proactive strategies are superior because they allow the company using the strategy-the freedom to make its own decisions rather than responding out of necessity to a situation that already may be out of control. Companies that use proactive strategies have a better chance of seizing and retaining the initiative in the competition with other companies.

With the growing focus on preventive healthcare, India is moving towards a stronger healthier nation.

There has been significant change in the workplace over the years, which has also changed the role of coaching. We can easily see lots of distraction and disruption faced by the individuals in their workplaces, like technology advancement forcing employees to work efficiently and faster, high competition in the business world, high customers demand, and rigorous changes. This is resulting in health issues that can be pre-emptied through Preventive Healthcare. Medi-skool helps people understand and assimilate the paradigm shift in this direction.

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