Is your immune system at an all-time low during the changing season? Founder and Director at GAIA, one of Indias fastest growing health and nutrition brand and a mother herself, Dolly Kumar shares some of the health food snacks to help you boost your immune system.

It is said change is good and a change in season is the perfect time to have fun with your friends and family. However, with winters on the way, transition through the seasons is always a challenge. Having a strong immune system is of immense importance as most health experts agree that the stronger your immune system is, the more balanced you will feel health wise.

The first step towards building a strong immune system is by adopting healthy eating habits. Every part of your body, including your immune system functions better when it is protected against infections, viruses, flu, etc. This can be achieved by healthy-living strategies.

With cooler months approaching, take proactive steps towards bolstering your immune system. Good nutrition, plenty of water and an active lifestyle are a few habits one should adopt this season along with the following tips:

1. A natural herb, Neem is known to help boost your immune system also with cooling down your body internally. Neem has both anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help keep your skin clean, radiant and healthy. Also known to have blood purifying properties, neem helps clear toxins and impurities from the blood leaving you with a strengthened immune system. Pop a neem capsule in the morning for a calmed and purified self!

2. Keeping one nourished from the inside during this time is not only important but also necessary to remain healthy. Kick-start your mornings with Muesli and be high on energy all day long! Rich in dietary fibre, proteins, iron and anti-oxidants, this power-food is a healthy mix of rolled oats, wheat flakes and corn flakes along different flavours. Dribble some Multifloral Honey over a bowl of Muesli with skimmed milk and pleasure that sweet tooth.

3. Alternatively, you can also indulge in a steaming bowl of masala oats or oats with vegetables. Rich in dietary fibre and protein, Oats are a low-calorie food that would keep one fuller for longer. Oats are also proven to manage cholesterol levels, maintain healthy body weight and reduce risk of blood sugar and diabetes.

4. Do you usually feel an energy dip in the afternoon or are suffering with a sore throat due to the weather? Ditch the sweet, carbonated drinks you usually indulge in and opt for a warm cup of Green Tea. Green Tea comes packed with powerful anti-oxidants and nutrients that help regulate blood sugar, improve brain function and enhance metabolism. This ‘super-drink also has essential minerals, bioactive compounds and fat-burning qualities, that not only help in increasing the detoxification process in the body but also, aid in weight loss.

Along with this alluring aroma and pleasant taste, your body is bound to stay hydrated and fresh! Add a dash of honey and squeeze a lemon in your cup of green tea and make your day a tangy, zesty and delicate affair! For those who have dietary restrictions and cannot indulge in honey, try Stevia. A diabetic persons best friend, stevia is a 100 per cent low-calorie sugar substitute that aids in weight loss and lowers blood sugar levels. Pop a tablet in your daily cup of tea or coffee and drink away to glory!

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