CIO & Head – New Initiatives
Regency Healthcare, Kanpur
Enhancing Medical Ecosystem with IT
Most of the organisations around the world have envisaged business visibility through adoption of information technology (IT) and have gone to the extent of restructuring and re-aligning their operations around new-age technologies. The healthcare sector may be lagging behind in IT adoption initially, but since a decade or so there has been a phenomenal spurt in IT spending by healthcare organisations and in due course of time they have experienced its benefits as well. Hospitals have realised that technology has become ubiquitous thus evading it will impede organisational growth. Progressive healthcare organisations have re-aligned them with the healthcare information technology ecosystem, and have made it an integral part of medical infrastructure. To reap real benefits of IT, information and communication technology systems need to be thought of as one of the firsts in the planning phase of a modern healthcare setup. Many hospitals believe that IT is mostly to do with Hospital Information System (HIS/HMS) or streamlining the billing and financial system it is the new-age modern healthcare organisations that have started thinking much more comprehensively. A new perspective to IT in modern healthcare organisations is to bring along almost all the different healthcare services together and integrate through technology, thus maximising their potential and making them part of integrated healthcare IT delivery system.
By leveraging on IT, healthcare organisations can rapidly achieve enhanced operational efficiencies, improved quality of services, improved clinical outcomes, organisational growth and cost controls.
Leveraging Technology
Synchronised integrated healthcare delivery systems have resulted in better clinical data management and consistent clinical information across the healthcare enterprise. Healthcare IT systems and associated technological innovations in medical equipment and devices offer a wide range of benefits to healthcare organisations by helping clinicians and staff, work more efficiently and smartly, thus delivering quality care to patients and improved clinical outcomes and enhanced safety.
Shift in Perception
Yes, certainly it is the ease of accessibility of information, intuitiveness of the system, consistency of user interface and mobility features (i.e. availability of hospital applications across various platforms such as tablets and mobile phones) that has contributed to increased acceptability and change in perception amongst hospital users viz-a-viz IT applications.
Innovating Technology
It is the intent and creativity that translates into strategy, which drives innovation. There will always be some or the other native platform or technology available to push through innovation if there is intent, creativity and motivation.
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