Transforming Medical Infrastructure
Investments in information technology have been made for setting up state-of-the-art infrastructure and systems focused on patient care such as Electronic Health Record System (EHRS), centrally integrated Hospital Information System (HIS), bar coded medical assessments, Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) imaging system and Cloud based CRM application for better customer engagement. Using IT has become one of the best solutions for the hospital management to decrease cost and increase patient satisfaction improving the hospital processes to provide high quality patient care. The role of digital technology in medical care has increased and its delivery has expanded at an ever-increasing pace.
Connecting healthcare via IT
The adoption of IT in hospitals has significantly enhanced patient safety and care. Max Healthcare is built on the credo of Seva Bhava to customers. We are one of the first hospitals in the country to use Electronic medical health records system integrated with bar coded medicine administration to identify and reduce clinical errors, and are actively using technology to enhance patient experience by reducing patient registration, admission and discharge times. Technology is one of the key pillars for improving scalability and growth at Max . We have grown both organically and inorganically in the last few years and technology has been critical in seamless integration of new hospitals and enabling standardised processes for patient care.
Transforming Medical Infrastructure
Although there has been some good growth in IT as a part of medical infrastructure over the last two decades, the development is not evenly spread and there is still a lot of potential for healthcare IT infrastructure to improve in India. Many hospitals, especially in public health space, still use legacy infrastructure and systems which constrains their ability to fully leverage latest advancements in healthcare technology. With increased emergence of IOT and lifestyle related diseases over the last decade in particular, at Max in particular, we are focusing on setting up an IT ecosystem which enables prevention and wellness rather than only managing disease related care.
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