Action Cancer Hospital, New Delhi
Transforming Medical Infrastructure
IT is now a backbone of any medical institute as important as antibiotic required in the management of the patients for over two decades now. IT has been vastly used in every segment of the medical infrastructure. Now, there are many big IT names providing their services in the healthcare sector. As a healthcare aspirant, I look forward to virtual hospitals so that consultations between patients and consultants can be done through mobile technology or computers at home. It is certainly a technology which drives the strategy which makes us get optimum utilisation of technology.
Connecting Healthcare via IT
In this high-tech era, IT has really contributed to delivery of better healthcare. Nowadays, even small applications like Whatsapp give you an abundant liberty to send your reports anywhere across the globe and one can consult for any second opinion. So this is the power of technology. In old days, paper reports had to be kept in the record rooms, but no more. Digitally encrypted data which requires minimal space and lessens the worry of the record being damaged due to various reasons.
IT Investments
IT investments are recurring investments; as hospitals need to upgrade their medical equipment as the new technology comes to treat the patients. IT tools have to be kept has to at par for the latest technology. In our hospital, most of the jobs are done using IT tools. It is visible. As the patient comes for the registration and till discharge, everything is communicated and recorded through various IT driven applications.
Shift in Perception
The shift in perception is because if the user will not share the requirement with the IT people, it would not be possible for them to deliver the right application for the benefit of medical infrastructure. In our Action Cancer Hospital, all the patients treatment is communicated through IT applications to all the branches from patients registration, admission, blood investigations, treatment protocols, discharge, and billing all this is available on just one click.
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