Microsoft founder Bill Gates’ dream of creating a network of low cost toilets to put an end to the prac-tice of open defecation could be realised by adopting Sulabh’s model of sanitation in India and other developing countries, the founder of the organisation said.
Sulabh maintained nearly 8,000 public toilets for community use. Some of them were attached to human excreta-based biogas plant and the Sulabh Effluent Technology device.
“Till such time better designs come up, implementation of the two designs for individual household toilets and community toilets for disposal of human waste developed by Sulabh will realise the wishes of Gates to a large extent,” the founder of Sulabh International Bindeshwar Pathak said.
He was referring to Gates’ desire of employing on a wide scale a low-cost toilet model to provide a so-lution to the problem of defecation in the open resorted to by millions in India and other developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Pathak said Sulabh toilets used just a litre of water for flushing rather than 10 litres needed in conven-tional toilets.
He said Sulabh designs deserved to be adopted on a much wider scale because these satisfied the im-portant criteria of a technology design which is culturally acceptable and economically affordable.
The designs have already been accepted many countries of Africa and in Afghanistan, he pointed out.
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