Indian health ministry has started brainstorming with Nandan Nilekani, the man tasked with India’s unique identification project, to produce e-health cards and birth certificates for newborns. While inaugurating the Life Science Conclave in Delhi, Dinesh Trivedi, Minister of State for Health, mentioned that the issue was under discussion. He said the birth certificate is an important document and it should be available to people anytime, anywhere.

About the e-health certificate, Trivedi said this document will have the entire history of the newborn, weight, vaccination, any birth problem and other related information, and all these will be available on the net. Nilekani, a co-founder of software giant Infosys, has joined the central government as chairperson of the Unique Identification Database Authority of India. It is a new agency set up to provide unique identification numbers to all citizens for accessing various government services.

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