Effective deployment of technology requires efficient as well as intelligent use of it, especially in the domain of healthcare, where the level of complexity is a good few degrees higher many other disciplines. ‘Information’ is the cornerstone of the healthcare industry, and the most vital component for ‘decision-support-systems’ of practitioners and service providers. While specialty healthcare centres are concentrated in urban centres, there is a gaping need and untapped potential along rusty roads as well thankfully, telecommunications is there to travel that last mile for us.
These and many more were the key issues that came up over the two days of conferencing at ‘eHealth India 2007’, (held within eINDIA 2007 ICT conference and exhibition) from July 31-August 3, 2007 at the Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi. We present you with a detailed event report inside this issue – update yourself if you missed it ..and even if you were there, have a look again, you might find your candid moment in our photo gallery.
Laboratories constitute the core operational component of any specialty hospital set up. Often, they are the most humongous generators of data and information, providing the most crucial input for doctors to decide on the course of patient treatment. With increased adoption of process automation in hospitals, the demand and market potential for laboratory information systems (LIS) is growing over the years. The cover story of this issue presents a Frost & Sullivan Insight article on market opportunities for LIS in the Asia Pacific and discusses critical factors for its implementation success.
In addition, we also bring you some interesting articles from both domestic and international front focusing on a range of topics. Under ‘Technology Trends’ we cover an article on personal hand-held devices (PeHD) and intelligent use of web 2.0 for healthcare (health 2.0); while in ‘Development Dimensions’ we feature one of the most successful corporate initiatives in rural India that of rural healthcare delivery through ITC’s e-choupal network.
Collection of data is an essential first step to revolutionizing healthcare as seen in this month’s Spotlight Section, where we profile a joint project of United Nations Foundation and Vodafone in African countries of Kenya and Zambia.
Before signing off, it is my pleasure to inform you that starting September issue we are introducing two new sections to our magazine – ‘Product Profile’ and ‘Events Diary’. While the former will feature latest medico-healthcare equipments, gadgets and devices, the latter will be a ready reckoner for healthcare events and expositions in India and around the world.
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