Andhra Pradesh’s Health Minister, Vidadala Rajini, announced the official opening of five new medical colleges in August, with classes scheduled to commence in September. This development will lead to a significant increase in the total number of MBBS seats available in the state. The establishment of these colleges in Vizianagaram, Eluru, Nandyala, Machilipatnam, and Rajamahendravaram is an extraordinary accomplishment, as obtaining permission for five colleges within just five years is a rare achievement, according to Health Minister.
The addition of these colleges will raise the seat count from 2,185 to 2,935, providing an additional 750 MBBS seats. Each college will offer 150 seats. This achievement is particularly noteworthy considering that in the past 100 years, only 11 medical colleges were established in the state. However, under Reddy’s administration, construction has begun on 17 new colleges in just four years, requiring a total investment of Rs 8,500 crore, as stated by the Minister.
Apart from the five colleges mentioned, the remaining 12 colleges are scheduled to commence operations within the next two to three years. Additionally, the number of post-graduate seats has significantly increased from 926 when the previous government left office in 2019 to 1,388, with an additional 462 seats being added, Rajini highlighted. The establishment of these new colleges and the increase in seats will greatly benefit students in Andhra Pradesh, eliminating the need for them to relocate to other states for their medical education, the Minister added.
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