Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan on Thursday said that about 68% of the total Covid-19 cases registered in the country are from Kerala. The southern state has more than 1.99 lakh active cases, and five other states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu Maharashtra and Mizoram have over 10,000 active cases, he said adding that the weekly positivity rate for the last 11 weeks is fewer than 3%, reported ANI.
According to Bhushan, 64 districts are still registering above 5% Covid-19 positivity. These, he said, are districts of concern, where the Covid Appropriate Behaviour, vaccination, and surveillance must be stringently monitored.
He also informed that the union government is working towards increasing the availability of medical oxygen in India to over 4,500 MT. He informed that 3,631 PSA or Pressure Swing Adsorption plants have been started in India. Once they are commissioned, these will be able to roll out over 4,500 MT of medical oxygen. Until now, 1,595 plants are commissioned to offer 2,088 MT of medical oxygen to patients admitted in hospitals. He added that using central resources, 1,491 more of these plants are being commissioned to make available over 2,220 MT of medical oxygen. Besides, through states and other resources, 2,140 plants are being made to make available 2,289 MT of medical oxygen.
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