ENN (Elets News Network)

A survey conducted by Metropolis Healthcare Ltd, Indias leading multinational chain of 105 diagnostic centers and 700 collection centers across India, Sri Lanka, South Africa and Middle East, was released today on the occasion of International Day of Action for Women’s Health 2014.

The study observed the trends in two common diseases that affect the women population in India. The survey covering major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Kolkata revealed the prence of Thyroid – Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Diabetes (Hb1ac) in Indian females.

Thyroid – Stimulating Hormone

Age group High Low Normal Grand Total
20 to 30 792 605 15139 16536
30 to 40 697 434 8411 9542
40 to 50 422 277 4414 5113
50 to 60 240 207 2366 2813
Grand Total 2151 1523 30330 34004

Out of the 34,004 samples studies, 28.88% of the total sample was found with high TSH levels which lead to Hypothyroidism. The survey unveils the alarming trend of Thyroid in young population; over 48.63% fell in the age group 20 to 30 years indicates an alarming trend of younger population being identified with symptoms of Hyper and Hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. Since the main purpose of thyroid hormone is to “run the body’s metabolism,” it is understandable that people with this condition will have symptoms associated with a slow metabolism. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism include Fatigue, Weakness, Weight gain or increased difficulty losing weight, Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches, irritability, Abnormal menstrual cycles, etc.

A significant finding of the survey also reported that female respondents with diabetes are increasing in the capital city. Out of 4,712 samples tested for HbA1c, 52.22% reported high diabetes level.

Age group High Normal Grand Total
20 to 30 73 389 462
30 to 40 267 473 740
40 to 50 620 450 1070
50 to 60 843 494 1337
60 to 70 486 299 785
Above 70 172 146 318
Grand Total 2461 2251 4712

This was followed by a fairly substantial number of youngsters examined, during the survey, showed the first signs of high diabetes. People with diabetes have high risk for cardio vascular disease. A regular health checkup will aid in keeping a track on their health. This also focuses on preventive measures that are required to reduce obesity, increase in physical activity, controlling junk foods and a constant effort to promote awareness among the masses.

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