Siemens Healthcare has introduced a new platform that is capable of changing the face of molecular imaging. The Symbia Intevoâ„ is the world’s first xSPECT system. It combines the high sensitivity of single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) with the high specificity of CT, completely integrating the data from the two modalities, to generate high resolution and, for the first time, quantitative images[1]. The system demonstrates Siemens’ innovation and competitiveness, key components of the Healthcare Sector’s Agenda 2013 two-year initiative.
The new Symbia Intevo xSPECT system reconstructs both the SPECT and CT portions of an image into a much higher frame of reference than other systems for precise, accurate alignment facilitating the extraction and deep integration of medically relevant information. This ability is the basis for differentiating between tissue boundaries in bone imaging. With xSPECT Bone clinicians can potentially provide additional support for detection and distinguishing between cancerous lesions and degenerative disorders. The Symbia Intevo’s precise alignment of SPECT and CT provides clinicians with essential volumetric information from the CT scan, enabling accurate and consistent quantitative assessment meaning the clinician can apply quantitative information to assess whether a patient’s condition has regressed, stabilised or progressed.
Full body Scan
SPECT and CT integrated.
The Symbia Intevo uses more CT data than ever before, but Siemens is still able to limit patient dose by offering Combined Applications to Reduce Exposure (CARE). The system uses AUTOFORM collimator, capturing up to 26 more counts, helping boost image acquisition time and patient throughput.
“Siemens Healthcare anticipates the new Symbia Intevo technology will improve the quality of care, while helping to reduce costs,” states Lawrence Foulsham, Molecular Imaging Product Manager at Siemens Healthcare. “Siemens recognises that these two elements must go hand-in-hand, and with our new molecular imaging solutions, we can demonstrate our commitment to true innovation leadership by overcoming the limitations of conventional SPECT systems to help provide answers to the toughest clinical questions in the safest and most efficient way possible.”
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