Himanshu Bhatt,
Director, KS Biomed Healthcare Pvt Ltd
Ahmedabad (Gujarat)

Whenever we think about women health in India, first question comes to my mind is, Are we really committed to women health in India? On paper, loads and loads of Tests and schemes announced by Government but how much Indian women are really utilising these schemes for really needed tests is a serious issue to address.

We at K S Biomed Services are committed to spread awareness of women health in India and this started four years back with our direct focus on two modalities which directly involves women health.

1. Mammography
2. Bone Densitometry(DEXA_BMD) Let me elaborate both one by one.

Mammography Test
Breast cancer is the most excruciating challenge in urban India (as well as in rural India also up to some extent). It is evident from the various statistics available that breast cancer amounts at a very high percentage among all cancers in women. Risk of breast cancer is among one in 30 women in urban India and one on 65 in rural India. 70 percent of the breast cancer can be treated with very positive results if its detected at early stage.

Mammography is the modality which is used worldwide to detect breast cancer. Due to very high cost of equipment it was not a preferred investment by diagnostic centers in India. K S Biomed Services started offering high-tech refurbished mamography equipment four years back sensing the real need of it in urban and rural India. The result is outstanding and today we feel proud that thousand of women in India are benefited by this most economical solution offered by us with more than 95 installations all over India by us.
Saying this I feel responsible for presenting following details to Indian women for another serious Silent Killer disease affecting their health: Osteoporosis.

Bone Densitometry (dexabmd) test:
Your bones continue to change with your age. They may get weaker, putting you at higher risk for a fracture. Also many Cancer, Asthma treatments or steroid induced medication puts women bone health at a very high risk. Bones may also get weaker postmenopausal phase.

How can you know if your bones are improving? One way is to have routine bone density tests. You can know the health of your bone by getting bone density checked at regular interval of at least once a year after age of 40.

Although there are many types of bone density tests available, the most authentic and preferred test is Dexa Scan. In this test your T-score and Z-score are measured for diagnosis of your bone health.
As said earlier for Mammography units, these equipments for BMD tests are very costly and list preferred due to viability issues by
Diagnostic set ups in India for many years till now.
As an ongoing commitment towards women health in India by us we have introduced the concept of refurbished BMD units last year and once again we are proud that many needy women are diagnosed and being treated now in India due to so many units we have installed in urban as well as rural areas in India.Women are integral part of mans existence and Indian society. Women health is Our Future. Please protect yourself from silent killers like breast cancer and Osteoporosis. Consult your radiologist now.

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