Early Detection of Breast Cancer Saves Life
Statistics says nearly 115,000 new casesof breast cancer were detected on an annualbasis in 2011. This number is expectedto go up to 250,000 by 2015. While the statistics are alarming, this dismal situationcan certainly be improved by increasedawareness about breast cancer. With thisthought in mind, in October 2011, Siemensglobally launched the Turn your City PinkCampaign. (Pink is the international colorof breast cancer awareness). The newcampaign is a step toward informing thepublic about the disease and the importanceof early detection. In India too, theyorganised this campaign for their womenemployees. Now, they are using the Indo-German Urban Mela platform to createawareness and garner support to fightBreast Cancer in Bengaluru.
Besides raising awareness, SiemensHealthcares portfolio of innovative breastcare solutions allow early detection, precisediagnosis and targeted treatment andfollow-up care of this disease. Their innovationsmake screening and diagnosismore reliable, efficient and comfortable -enabling early and therefore more effectivetherapeutic intervention.
Siemens latest MAMMOMAT Inspirationmammography system comes withimproved image quality and more efficiency.It allows stereotactic biopsy, whichhelps avoid unnecessary surgical biopsies.Siemens introduced the elastographytechnology and Automated Breast VolumeScanning (ABVS), which have changedthe way ultrasound was viewed in the past.With these technologies, it is possible toavoid unnecessary biopsies thus reducingtrauma among the patient and also allowingearly diagnosis.
Teleradiology SolutionsLaunches New Clinical TrialImaging Core Lab
Teleradiology Solutions has entered the Clinical TrialsImaging Market with the launch of its niche unit- ImageCore Lab (ICL). The new entity has been formedrecognising that medical imaging now plays an increasingrole in the development of new therapeutics,either as a surrogate endpoint or an endpoint in itsown right. ICL is positioned to assist sponsors andContract Research Organisations (CRO) in the clinicaltrial arena where medical images are involved.
Ankita Puri, Head of New Business Developmentfor ICL says The regulatory issues to standardise thedata and to remove bias from site uation havealso led to the strong need for centralised labs suchas ICL. We are confident that ICL will provide a highvalueservice to the Pharma, Biotech and CRO industriesand give them significant impetus in the imagingcomponent of their drug development activities. Theforthcoming workshop will serve to increase awareness
of the role imaging plays today in Clinical trials
Vodafone Launches Ask a Doctor -Health@5: An Online Platform
With the objective of bringing patients closer to doctors, Vodafone haslaunched Ask a Doctor – Health@5, a WAP health portal in India. Withthis launch, Vodafone subscribers can ask health related queries forRs. 5 per day. The panel of medical professionals will get back to thesubscriber with the answer within 24 hours. Ask a Doctor – Health@5 doesnt only allow the subscribers to ask questions, but one can alsobrowse through information on disease management, myths, trivia,general remedies, latest updates, diet and fitness information.
According to Vodafone India company spokesperson, mHealth isone of the key focus areas of Vodafone Group and the teams are doinga whole host of services across other countries. This is our firststep towards mHealth in India and we are optimistic with the responsein first few days of launch.
Healthcare as VAS service
A mobile device can enable doctors with effective technology drivensolutions so that basic healthcare could be managed through remotelocations. The service works in two ways – one to educate consumerand make people aware on basics of health management such as.
Fortis Healthcare and GE HealthcareInnovations Elevate Indian ICUs to Digital Age
Fortis Healthcare and GE Healthcarehave announced the launch of Asiasfirst electronic Intensive Care Unit(eICU) facility, called CritiNext. TheeICU services being offered by CritiNextmakes specialty critical care accessibleand affordable to critically ill patientsin small towns of India. The CritiNexte-ICU is powered by GEs CentricityHigh Acuity Care Solutions and operationalisedby critical care experts fromFortis Healthcare. CritiNext is live andoperational, covering 34 ICU beds intwo small hospitals based in Raipur andDehradun.
Commenting on the launch Aditya Vij,CEO, Fortis Healthcare Ltd said, Weare pleased to be the first healthcareinstitution in India and Asia to offer valuablelife-saving eICU services. The brillianceis not in the technology alone, but
the fact that we can use the technologyto help physicians practice evidencebased medicine. In a couple of years,we believe that this will be the acceptedstandard of care for patients in India andhelp to save more lives.
The CritiNext eICU enables a remotehospital to provide advanced consultation,care and monitoring to their criticallyill patients without having to physicallytransfer them to super-speciality hospitals.Transporting a critically ill patientfrom one facility to another, especiallya distant hospital, can be risky. Patientsare at the risk of clinical deterioration that may ead to adverse events includingthreat to life, due to the stress caused bytransportation. However, CritiNext eICU helps provide expert care to the patientat the local hospital helping avoid inter hospital transfer and risks. ICU care at local hospital allows patient get better support from family as well as help reduce costs by shortening the stay inICU. CritiNext addresses the shortage of critical care staff in remote areas andenables physicians in remote units to manage ICUs more efficiently. Remote ICU Monitoring Technology combinedwith expert set of eyes can help reduce medical errors and infection within ICUs leading to reduction in patient mortalityby up to 60 percent.
diet, fitness, nutrition, disease management and second toenable them to ask any query to a Doctor. Vodafone Indiaspokesperson says, We wanted to experiment mHealth in acompletely different way for users who understand technologyand its applications better. We decided to choose DATA(WAP) for our mHealth experimentation and we are very happyto see initial traction. Services on other bearers like SMS,Voice etc. are in the pipeline and we should be launching thesame in the coming months.
Advantages of a WAP platform for mHealth
providers have experimented with mhealth delivery onVoice and SMS. Services range from content dissemination inform of education/awareness to live interaction with Doctor.
Overall there have been positive and negative responses forthe concept. Mobile data is an evolving medium and the usergroups on this medium are more mature and tuned to newage services/technology like apps, browsing, blogging etc.Doctor-Patient connect is an interesting feature of the servicewhich enables user to directly ask a question to our panelof Doctors and the team answers a query within 24 hours.
Trivitron Healthcare Won Best EmployerBranding Award
Trivitrons key focus areas are ImagingSciences, Laboratory Medicine andCardiology (equipment and devices)and will be looking forward to futuristicareas including Ophthalmology, Dentaland Critical Care & OR, boasting ofIndustrys one of the most comprehensiveproduct offerings in both Value andPremium segments. With the stated goalof bringing high quality, cost effectivemedical technology solutions to emergingmarkets around the world, Trivitron iscurrently present in Sri Lanka, the MiddleEast, South Africa and are expanding ourpresence in South Asia, South East Asia and Africa.
Trivitron Healthcare has been awarded with Asias Best Employer Branding Award for Innovation in Retention Strategy endorsedby Asian Confederation of Business. Global employer branding leader, Universum, announced this new addition totheir annual Universum Awards events which was held in Singapore on July 19th 2012 in conjunction with partner World HRDCongress & Employer Branding Institute.
Moreover, the company Founder and Managing Director Dr. G.S.K Velu, has been awarded with Entrepreneur of the Year(Manufacturing) 2012 by Franchise India at New Delhi on the 18th of May 2012.
FDI in Pharma Takes a Final Shape
The final decision of allowing FDI in Indianpharmaceutical industry has takena shape.An inter-ministerial group on foreigndirect investment (FDI) in pharmaceuticalshas decided that investments resultingin an equity holding higher than49 percent in an Indian pharma companywill have to apply for the approval ofthe Foreign Investment Promotion Board(FIPB), a part of the ministry of finance.
Investments resulting in an equityholding lower than 49 percent as wellas those made in subsidiaries will notneed approval and will go through whatis called the automatic route.The group has also decided that amultinational firm buying take higherthan 49 percent in an Indian pharma company will maintain the same levelof investment in research activities andproduction of essential medicines forfive years.
A finance ministry official, who spokeon condition of anonymity, said a consensushad been reached on the contentiousissue. The ministries of healthand commerce were earlier in favourof routing all proposals for foreign investmentin Indian pharma companiesthrough FIPB, while the finance ministryinsisted that FIPB should only scrutiniseproposals for investment that would resultin an equity holding above 49 percent.
The decision will adversely affect FDI,said Ranjit Shahani, president of the Organisationof Pharmaceutical Producersof India, the lobby group representingmultinational firms. In a climate where India is already FDI-starved, any policywhich restricts freedom of trade andinvestment will further restrict capitalflows. This will not only have a chillingeffect on FDI flows to the pharma industry,but will also have a serious knock-oneffect in other industriesâparticularlysince it is a reversal of policy liberalizationwhich took place only 10 years ago.Today, when the world is looking at Indiato kick-start the economy followingchanges at the Centre, this certainly is aretrograde step, he added.
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