Intel Technology India Pvt Ltd in collaboration with other Intel World Ahead Program Alliance members and the Government of India, have announced a number of initiatives to help transform healthcare and education in the old city of Chandini Chowk, in the country’s capital. Kapil Sibal, Union Minister of State for Science and Technology and Ocean Development and Praveen Vishakantaiah, President, Intel India, unveiled three projects aimed at accelerating access to education and healthcare to residents of Chandini Chowk. These projects are part of a global initiative under the Intel World Ahead Program that provides people with faster access to information and communications technology. This is the third such program Intel has initiated in India as it expands its ICT efforts in education and healthcare. Two earlier projects took place in Baramati in Maharashtra and Tindivanam in Tamil Nadu. The projects announced reflect an extension of Intel’s World Ahead Program, a five-year, USD 1bn global initiative to provide people in developing countries with the benefits of better, faster access to information and communications technology (ICT). The ICT-enabled community initiative at Chandini Chowk was made possible on account of the efforts of Kapil Sibal. Praveen Vishakantaiah, President, Intel India said: “Under the Intel World Ahead Program, Intel is committed to work with governments and the industry across the globe to facilitate better health and education through technology. The participation we are receiving from the government and other members of the World Ahead Alliance is very encouraging. Chandini Chowk is the latest example of yet another World Ahead Community in India and Intel is looking forward to scaling this project and others to the next level.” During their visit to Chandini Chowk, Kapil Sibal and Praveen Vishakantaiah participated in the inauguration of a tele-health pilot project, in association with Tata Consultancy Services, Fortis healthcare, Specialty Ranbaxy Laboratory (SRL), SN Informatics, Narayana Hrudayalaya, Tele Radiology Solutions, General Electric India and St. Stephens’s hospital. As a part of this tele-health project, patients visiting the site are expected to have access to cost-effective and high-quality healthcare through remote consultation based on internet connectivity with these specialized hospitals. Kapil Sibal and Praveen Vishakantaiah also inspected the children’s health monitoring system developed by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), which is being implemented in partnership with Sharp NGO and ZMQ at Anglo Arabic School in Chandini Chowk. This project will address both healthcare and education needs for 2,000 children in the school, through a web-based solution that provide schoolchildren and faculty with digitized health records and health camps with participatory, action-based health learning. TCS and Intel hope to create a model that can be implemented in schools across the country, that will help ensure government-aided schools are safe and healthy places for children. Through its Intel World Ahead Program, Intel strives to improve education, healthcare, entrepreneurship and government services in developing countries worldwide, by accelerating access to computers, connectivity, technology training and localized Internet content.
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