Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan recently inaugurated the first covid-19 dedicated hospital in Kasaragod district. Built by the Tata Group using prefabricated containers in just five months at a cost of Rs 60 crore, the 551 bed hospital has 36 ventilators for the patients.
Speaking on this occasion, Minister said the hospital was an excellent example of how Public Private Partnership can be put to good use. The Chief Minister, who inaugurated the hospital through video conferencing, thanked the Tata Group for showing interest in the health sector of Kerala. “The Covid hospital constructed by the Tata group, which will take care of the people during the pandemic, is an excellent example of how Public-Private Partnership can be put to good use,” Vijayan was quoted as saying by PTI report.
The 80,000 sq ft-hospital has been built on five acres of land at Thekkil village in Kasaragod. The authority to decide the facilities and the appointments to the hospital is with the state government. Meanwhile, the largest Covid First Line Treatment Centre (CFLTC) in the state, a 1,400 bed facility, was also opened on Wednesday at Nattika at Thrissur.
Also read: Tata Trusts upgrades four government hospitals into COVID-19 treatment centres in UP, Maharashtra
The facility was set up at the building of Emmay Projects (India) Private Ltd, owned by M A Yusuff Ali of the Lulu group. The CFLTC has all modern health facilities, including beds, e-robots, tele-medicine, e-bikes for food distribution, bio-medical waste management and bio-compost system, officials said
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