The aim of Finnish health policy is to lengthen the active and healthy lifespan of citizens, to improve quality of life, and to diminish differences in health between population groups. Ritva Koukku-Ronde, Ambassador, Embassy of Finland, graced the Annual Healthcare Summit, New Delhi 2019 and threw light upon the much talked about healthcare scenario of Finland.
“Healthcare system in Finland is practically free and open for everybody. We very much believe upon the philosophy that health and well-educated people and kids are our future. We are a small country and we cannot let anybody stand outside of the society. I wish to share with our the Finnese experience in particularly digital healthcare transformation and in creating a global hub for medical innovation. Our national character and northern heritage have posted us to the top of numerous country ranking. In many respects, Finnese healthcare is state of the art among many countries. We are global leaders in digital health. Finland ranks among the 3 strongest health technology economies in the world, while digital health is our largest high-tech expert,” claims Ritva Koukku-Ronde, Ambassador, Embassy of Finland.
IT in healthcare is a new trend being followed, with the introduction of digital healthcare system. Ritva is of the view that, “Big data and Artificial intelligence will help to optimize healthcare processes for ultimate resource, efficiency and human well-being. Smart usage of Data will play a decisive role in future health management. to realise this, we need an enabling and innovative environment and also global partnerships.”
“Talking about how we have got Finland to the forefront of healthcare digitalisation, we have several strengths which has helped up to get onto this level. 30 years history of sample collection, single unique national identification number used by authorities. In healthcare, 100 % Finesse patient record are available in digital format. Finland’s public healthcare system boost electronic healthcare record penetration at 100% paperless referrals. Finland is amongst first of the many countries in the world which covers both public and private healthcare sectors. All Finnese citizens now have an online access to repository services such as e-prescription history. Soon people can also upload personal health information and choose the current access 0f your own data or other health professionals. Secondly, we have universal free healthcare and continuous care guidelines. Thirdly, one of our strength is isolated population. Instead of forming an obstacle, Finland isolated the population which became one of the reason for our success on health. Fourthly, secondary use of health and social data permitted in 2019 through alone. The Finnese parliament approved this year in march and bill was constructed several times to cure a safe and ethical way to transparently access Finnese health and social data,” claims the Finland Ambassador.
With the onset of healthcare facilities at your doorstep and tip of your finger, ensuring high quality of care for entire population with triple-fold costs, requires that healthcare systems are completely reinvented. “We need to develop preventive health report with easy home diagnostics and self-monitoring solutions to affect elastic behavioral change. Home diagnostics, data on nutrition, exercise and a generous status of health can e used to create personalized profiles that function as the basics for participatory lifestyle coaching. By combining home diagnostics with genetics information, we can provide important and more accurate insights into the person’s health trends and risks, while reducing health across and improving quality of life. To give you an example from Finland; when it come to smart phone applications, we can go well beyond measuring heart rates and daily activity levels. The technical research centre of Finland together with Finnese private sector has developed artificial intelligence based analysis methods that are now used in a commercial smart phone application for health monitoring. Combining Big Data with individual system, the application can estimate health users risks and if necessary, guide them towards a healthier lifestyle. With all this in mind, it is not surprising that Finland has strong partnership with leading international actors in medicine and healthcare like IBM, Mahindra, Pyer, etc. This is a great example on how we can find new information that are concretely valuable to both citizens, healthcare professionals and companies by analyzing large and diverse data masses,” said Ritva.
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