Babies born

As per a recent study, babies born to corpulent mothers are more prone to develop Type-2 diabetes later in their life. These children get over-sustenance as sugar, insulin and hormones in the womb while they are still in the womb and chances are high for their metabolism to get affected.

A specialist from the UK says that this examination adds to the way that the time we spend in our mom’s belly can shape our future.

Just like putting on some weight during the nine months of pregnancy is considered to be a normal thing, putting on an excessive amount of weight does put you as well as your child’s well being in danger. One of these health risk dangers incorporates an expanded shot of getting diabetes.

Also read: Holistic ways to avoid complications and carry a healthy pregnancy

Researchers found that the number of children born in Scotland between 1950 and 2011, by tracking the data with health record for those diagnosed with diabetes in Scotland. They tracked down 1,18,000 children as per the data.

As per the results, it was clear that women who were overweight during pregnancy increased the risk of their child getting type 2 diabetes by 40 per cent.

After the findings, the researchers warned about the urgent need for strategies to reduce obesity in women of reproductive age. Some short term complications due to maternal obesity include gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and increased risk of intrauterine death.

Also read: Obesity: Decoding the myths & facts

Looking at the increasing number of pregnancy of obese women and the complications that it brings along, moms, it’s better to start controlling your diet as soon as you start planning your baby.

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