In a bid to improve overall immunisation percentage, the Uttarakhand Government has made immunisation card mandatory for all children to get admission in any government or private school of the State.
Under the new policy, the health workers of the area would issue a certificate mentioning immunization records of the child. On the basis of the same, parents would be able to seek admission for their wards in any play school, nursery or kindergarten.
“The ASHAs and ANMs of respective areas will co-ordinate with the schools and collect information about children without vaccination card or incomplete vaccination history and then based on that list, we will be assigning experts to facilitate them,” said Yugal Kishore Pant, director, national health mission programme, Uttarakhand was quoted as saying by a prominent newspaper.
The strategy is not to leave even a single child without vaccination, he added. Moreover, the move would help the State to achieve the goal of 100 percent immunisation under Universal Immunisation Programme.
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