India with over 2.1 million people living with HIV AIDS, only 43 per cent of those have access to antiretroviral therapy treatment (ART), revealed International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) ”a nonprofit organization working in 25 countries to research, design and develop promising vaccine candidates.

To address the challenges, IAVI along with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) came together in the national capital on Friday to discuss the ways to accelerate HIV treatment prevention.

Program Director of Global HIV and TB-India, CDC, Timothy Holtz, said: The implementation of PrEP (Pre-exposure prophylaxis) has already begun in many countries. Hopefully, we will get a highly effective vaccine soon and with that, we could control the HIV epidemic.

PrEP stops HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout the body. It is given to lower chances of getting infected.  

Country Director of IAVI, Rajat Goyal, said: Globally, innovative programmes have been launched to tackle infectious diseases. These programmes must be integrated to address the problem, and countries across the world must develop end-to-end research capability which will, in turn, accelerate outcomes.

The programme also highlighted recent breakthroughs in vaccine research, viable products including PrEP, along with the impact of external environment and global geopolitical shifts on the translation of products.

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