Sahydari Hospitals, Maharash- tras largest and most trusted chains of hospitals offer an array of specialities and super speci- alities. It is also one of the youngest hospitals to get the revered NABH accreditation.

Sahyadri Speciality Hospitals Nagar Road has marked its presence in the eastern section of Pune city. The hospital has a capacity of 130 beds with fully operational tertiary care wings in place. Inaugurated in May 2013, the Hospital is dedicated to provide services in all specialties, super specialties and diagnostic facilities backed by the best technology and medical care under one roof. The Hospital follows protocols and care pathways as per national and international accreditation standards to ensure best outcomes for patients. Our patients are at the centre of what we do, we offer thoughtful convenience,comfort and quality care that make the hospital experiences stress free and calming. Our team of doctors is committed to exceptional care amidst a sense of professional approach.

Medical Advancement and support services:

Nagar Road Unit has set a bench marks in multi speciality services, with a healing touch. The hospital stands as a centre of excellence, for providing advance care in Neuro Sciences, Cardiology, Gastroenterology, Ortho and Joint Replacement, Neonatal intensive care, critical care, minimal invasive surgery, Urology and Nephrology. Our world class diagnostic services like Cathlab, 1.5 tesla MRI and multi scanner CT gives timely support to our speciality wings.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is another state-of the art hub that provides comprehensive care under one roof. We have the most advanced equipments and approach to run Infertility centre with significant success rates. The hospital provides expert Consultation of gynecologist and andrologists, detailed investigations and counseling sessions for the couple. In addition a free counseling with the IVF experts has been conducted every Thursday to address fertility issues. In a very short span of time, we already had our first pregnancy by IVF. Our facilities also include Antenatal care, Post natal care, high risk pregnancy and complicated gynecological issues besides conventional procedures.
Emergency and critical care: The hospital has three major and two minor OT. The spacious OT complex is designed with expertise and precise approach to meet the standard guidelines. The Operation Theaters are equipped with LED surgical lights, double dome system and HEPA filters. The critical care department provides Comprehensive Care and Life Support Services to patients who are critically ill and require intensive monitoring. The infrastructure of 11bedded ICU department meets international standards to assist patient recovery. Also,8 Bedded cardiac care unit is equipped with all life-saving equipment like multi-monitors, ventilators and life support equipment.
Neonatal Intensive care is another advanced care unit which is capable of managing inutero and ex-utero high-risk cases. It provides level III care and has capacity of 24 beds and imparts specialized care to critically ill new born. Apart from routine neonatal services, the unit is competent of caring for extremely premature and low birth weight babies with an aim to provide good survival as well as quality outcome. The department is backed by 24X7 fully equipped neonatal ambulance services.

Highlights of Sahyadri Hospitals Group

  • Maharashtras largest Chain of Hospitals
  • Youngest Hospital to get NABH accreditation in Maharashtra
  • 4th in the country to get AAHRPP accreditation
  • Pioneer in performing CT Coronary Angiographies for preventive & diagnostic in Asia
  • Performs highest number of Bone Marrow Transplants in Western Maharashtra
  • Performs highest number of Neurosurgeries in Pune
  • In-house NABL accredited pathology Labs

Recently Sahyadri Hospitals Group in association with Rotary Pune Pride has launched a noble project:
Yashoda-A Human Milk Bank to take care of the ill or fragile babies. The milk bank is located in NICU itself for quick provision of donor milk to these babies. The department follows strict guidelines, established by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA), to ensure the safety of donor human milk. There are many situations wherein a mother may not be able to provide sufficient breast milk to her own baby. In the absence of the babys own mothers milk, the milk is donated by mothers who have a tendency to make more milk than required by their own babies. This collected breast milk then undergoes a series of rigid testing and processing before it is deemed safe for use for another baby. The department also has well equipped milk collector Van.
Nagar Road Unit also extends a caring hand to the expected mom by introducing Club Motherhood. It is a dedicated cell to address all the queries related to pregnancy and childbirth wherein we conduct free sessions for expecting mothers twice a month. The session is taken by OBGY experts, Dietician, Physiotherapist, Neonatologist and Lactation expert.
With Sahyadri, you can always be assured that your health is our top priority.

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