CSC has been serving customers in the healthcare domian, across the globe,for more than 35 years now. The companys services span the entire healthcarespectrum including healthcare IT and business services for life sciences industryand provider and payer space.

In conversation with eHEALTH, Arun Gupta, Director of Healthcare Verticle atCSC in India, talks about the organisations key healthcare offerings in theglobal and Indian markets.

Arun Gupta
Director, Healthcare,
CSC in India

Please provide an overview of theorganisation framework.

We have had the healthcare verticalin place for the last 35 years andhave done a lot of work for differentclients in this space. We have verystrong service offering acrossthe entire segment including theproviders, payers and life sciences. Inthe provider segment, we work withmost of the major hospital networks.In the payer , we work with enterprisehealth insurance companies. In thelife sciences, we have an establishedfootprint with most top life sciencescompanies.

Apart from these, we have severalother products in all these segmentsin the healthcare industry. Webring in business solutions, acrossall healthcare segments, whichare domain-led and technologysupported.While, CSC Healthcarepractice has several recognitionssuch as being ranked number 3 inHealthcare Informatics Top 1002009 rankings, number 1 in ERPimplementations by healthcareutives in KLAS 2009 report(a leading analyst in healthcare),and the leaders in CPOE, our keydifferentiators that benefi t ourclients are that we understand thebusiness domain of our customersthrough years of service experience,by having a global workforce thatconsist of domain or subject matterexperts (with 10-30 yrs experiencein healthcare), product experts andtechnology experts who work fromour global delivery locations as oneteam to deliver from the world to ourworld-wide customers.

Our customers benefi t from us, aswe help them with systems that areBuilt to Last. We design life savingsystems. Being a healthcare leader,we have a legacy of early adoptionof healthcare trends to help ourclients build their next generation
healthcare systems. We leverage ourglobal footprint to serve our clientsacross the globe. Our workforce usescutting edge technology to deliverour services and products to ourclients.

The business outcomes our clientsgain from us are, reduced medicalerrors, improved quality patientcare, making healthcare affordable,accessible (electronic patientrecords) and effi cient to end users.

We have our own establishedresearch group of emerging practicesand have strong participation in theregulatory framework. In that sense,we are well positioned to bringleadership in the domain.

Please give a brief about yourofferings in the healthcare domain.

Our offerings combine businessand technology. In the provider sidewe work mostly in consulting andapplication services, bringing inhospital management expertise toselect, implement, run and maintain,and test third party products/applications. We provide custombuiltsolutions, which are driven bydomain knowledge. We also providebusiness infrastructure support tovarious hospitals and some of thecore infrastructure required to runthe business is supported by us.

Some successful examplesinclude the EPIC solution forreport development, Meditechand other Hospital informationsystems, which are all evolvingproducts and comprehensive andcomplete systems that take care of allrequirements in a hospital.

Apart from this, we are engagedin one of the most ambitious healthdelivery programmes in the U.K, andwe have already had two releasesthat have been implemented. Thisproduct is still undergoing phaseddevelopment and we will start rollingit out to a large number of hospitaltrusts shortly. In India, we have aparallel development going on inChennai. We also do a lot of workin the R&D for the public sectordepartment in the area of drugdiscovery.

Please tell us about your globalpresence and plans for enteringIndia, if any, in the future?

Our offerings are primarily in the Europeand the U.S. In the Asia Pacifi cregion, we are doing work in Singaporeand Vietnam. We work with majorglobal Life Sciences companies,many of which have an India presence;this is how we service India.

We have a large healthcarefootprint in India that includestechnical, functional, doctors, nurses,pharmacists. The plan to service theIndian market is defi nitely there,but we are looking at the marketselectively. We have participatedin a couple of opportunities thatemerged in the Indian market in thelife insurance space. We are keenon working with the mutual fundcompanies in India in the financialservices space.

What is your expertise in EMRdevelopment?

We have a good amount of expertisein the custom EMR development.The U.S market is less maturedcompared to some of the Europeanclients that have more EMR,healthcare informatics and eHealthinitiatives that are probably notbeing leveraged very well. Largernetwork of hospitals would probablyget into custom EMR development.Netherlands is one of the leaders inhealth information exchange space,with high rate of electronic healthrecord adaption that can be easilyaccessed by a network of physicians.In Sweden, too there is a bigger pushfrom the state because of which alot of health informatics initiativesare active. In U.K, we have alreadyimplemented a comprehensiveproduct based solution for which thetesting effort required deployment ofa few hundred people as it is a highlycomplex product. So, with the kindof expertise we have, we are able tooffer independent testing servicesas well. This is again an example of atechnology based service driven outof the domain.

How many centres do you have inIndia and how are they positioned interms of service offerings?

CSC operates out of seven centersin India. In terms of size, the largestcentre is located in Noida and thesecond is in Chennai.

In terms of our healthcarepractice, we operate from Chennai,Bangalore, Hyderabad and Noida.Our largest location in terms ofheadcount is Chennai that also hostsa dedicated offshore developmentcenter for one of our major providerclient. Bangalore is our second largestlocation for Healthcare. In Bangalore,going to the history of healthcarevertical, we have come together asa combination of provider, payerand Life Sciences streams. Our thirdmajor location is a customer builtlocation, that of a large Life Sciences company.

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