The Chief Technology Officer of iSOFT tells us about LORENZO – The newly launched innovative service oriented software from iSOFT.

It is widely accepted that healthcare is a fundamental right for every individual, however, today some important questions about patient infomation, its accessability and ownership are being raised. The questions being asked are s “Has the ownership of health information transformed from care institutions to individuals?” “Do the caregivers and the patients have a say in the structuring and delivery of healthcare?” “How is the relationship between the care receiver and provider made more legitimate?” “Can a patient govern his / her own care and the associated information?”

Emerging Trends in Healthcare Economics

In the world market economics of healthcare, there are major transformations occurring. The question now is no longer whether or not to computerise a healthcare entity, rather how much to computerise and by when. Gone are the days when the caregivers were averse to using computers and other such devices, leaving it to the more tech-savvy professionals. Today, the latest technological innovations are adopted quickly and the resistance is fast declining due to the ease of use and obvious benefits. In this era of fast changing lifestyles, quick build-up and dissemination of information, ubiquitous Internet access, the paradigm shift towards healthcare information being owned by the individuals rather than institutions is gaining momentum and the awareness of preventive and wellness approach is replacing the hitherto slow curative approach.

The new way forward

In this context, LORENZO is a groundbreaking, next generation healthcare software application built on the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), which is considered to be the current industry trend worldwide. The service-oriented approach facilitates development of highly flexible generic products, which can then be used to create market specific solutions. LORENZO is truly scalable and can cater to the entire gamut of healthcare services across the complex model of healthcare delivery covering GPs to tertiary care hospitals to myriad care settings in a health economy. LORENZO being web-enabled adds to the advantage of its being able to address the needs of all participants in the supply chain.

Longitudinal EHR & care continuity

The functional map of LORENZO product services covers the entire spectrum of care activities, which can be a combination of administrative and clinical information. Coupled with inherent highly flexible configuration tools and engines, it enables the healthcare enterprises to maintain the electronic health record for the entire life history of the patient in the “Journey from Cradle to Grave.” It also supports continuity of care across multiple episodes spanning multiple geographic locations and addressing different diagnostic conditions. This ensures elimination of duplicate data and timely availability of accurate information thus enabling cost optimisation and savings.


Powerful yet flexible

LORENZO consists of a powerful set of information processing tools promoting governance, quality, efficiency and consent in healthcare. It is extremely flexible and can be tailored to meet local needs through rich configuration tools. LORENZO can be deployed across a community in such a way that the existing investments are protected by integrating with existing applications, equipment and devices towards inter-connecting the information silos, thereby removing the hurdles in the patient journey.

Standards based

LORENZO has been designed to support modern and emerging international healthcare standards. This will enable build-up of enormous healthcare data that can in turn enable accurate and comprehensive statistics. It can facilitate data mining to address the needs of national and regional healthcare bodies. Statutory and regulatory reports relating to epidemics can be generated.

Designed by healthcare professionals

LORENZO has been designed by healthcare professionals from different health economies through a rich user experience. iSOFT has strategically employed and nurtured a good number of healthcare subject matter experts including doctors (with different specialties), nurses, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, radiologists, etc.

Development strategy

LORENZO was envisaged several years ago and one can say that the concept, approach and strategy for the product development was pioneering and ahead of its time. This was one of the reasons for its selection as one of the software solutions for the prestigious National Program for Information Technology (NPfIT) in the National Health Service (NHS) UK, which is considered to be the largest civilian projects in the world.


LORENZO’s architecture provides for Solution-based approach covering systems and services. It supports “Pick & Use” approach from a comprehensive catalogue of information, thereby eliminating redundancy and achieving normalisation of data. This kind of architecture enables continuous change through process design and management from a stable platform. It protects the delivery of core business with an ability to integrate and co-exist with a variety of existing systems, applications, devices and tools based on international standards for information exchange. It has the potential to promote business changes whilst minimising the impact on the existing workflow and processes.

LORENZO deployment options

LORENZO can be deployed in a small GP to a large multi-tier, multi-site healthcare organisation that may span across a nation. Its scalability and versatility provides for deployment in different possible models suiting different infrastructures including resilient or semi-resilient environments, centralised or distributed databases, etc. The performance of the application has been tested and proven for terabytes of data with several thousands of concurrent users. Considering the mission critical nature of healthcare requiring 24 X 7 availability with a need for high level of data integrity, and at high speeds, the application can be deployed in the most optimised environments that can evolve and grow from basic infrastructure onwards.


LORENZO can ensure lowest cost of ownership while providing early and high return on investment. The next few years will see a revolution in healthcare in which LORENZO will play a central role, improving the quality of life for millions of people worldwide.

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