Niranjan K Ramakrishnan

Niranjan K Ramakrishnan
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Transforming Medical Infrastructure

Every segment of healthcare delivery system is struggling with increasing costs, inconsistent processes and uneven quality, notwithstanding the sweat of highly skilled clinicians, reputed administrators and committed paramedical staff. There is a requirement of additional funding to deliver better patient care, to hire good quality resources or to adopt new technologies which are compensated by reducing treatment cost of the patient. Therefore, the adoption of right technology and realising the value of investment is the only solution to this.

Tech for Care Delivery

Being known in the industry as Peoples Own Hospital, at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, our overall service methodology doesnt differentiate the varied class of patients reaching out to us for availing healthcare service. As our IT strategy is defined by the end users and user champions of various functional units, be it digital health card, Cloud Based Lab Reporting system, OPD Automation, patient kiosk and all other IT services are common to all healthcare services and all classes of consumers of healthcare services.

IT Investments

ehealth-magazine-march-issue-2016-33Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has recently completed a decade of successful adoption of full-fledged IT automation and one of the few hospitals whose IT spending is more than the industry standard of 2.5 per cent for maintenance and 4 to 5 per cent of adoption or revamping budget with respect to the overall turnover.

Shift in Perception

Effective usage of right health IT solutions may form the reliable source of analytical data. Well established back office solutions and ERP tools drive the business intelligence with respect to business, finance, human resources and material inventory perspective. Doctor driven healthcare organisations started adopting technology for the clinical outcome analysis using the evidence based decision support system.


When all other hospitals still understand what cloud computing is, Sir Gangaram Hospital is already a user of cloud. It is privilege to be associated with an organisation where the Board of Management and Trust Societys understanding on the value of any new technology such as cloud, advanced biometric technologies, eProcurement, and SMAC extends a whole hearted support for adoption. We believe the real value of IT is when the patient experience in the hospital improves without burdening their pocket.


The real benefit is not in the data capturing process but in retri and analysis of the processed data is the missing concept in majority of change management from paper to digitised process. Recent shift in the adoption of IT is the result of visible value of the investment due to the quick retri of necessary information that helps the stakeholders to take right decisions and business analytics at a click of the button on their mobile phones. At Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, end user inputs define the strategy and then we look out for the available technology that aligns with our strategy.

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