Mothers Lap IVF is dedicated to every aspect of infertility treatment. Dr Shobha Gupta, Director, shares her exprience with Shahid Akhter, ENN


Infertility is on the rise. What exactly constitutes infertility and who is most affected?
Fertility, in its broadest sense is defined as the ability to conceive and have children. It is the actual level of reproduction based on the number of live births that occur. Conversely, a couple can be labeled as infertile if they are unable to get pregnant after 12 months of trying. Women who get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant can also be termed infertile. Infertility is a major clinical problem, affecting people globally. Statistics may vary with geographical location and socio economic status but the over all scenario is alarming. According to an ICMR estimate, 60-80 million couples suffer from infertility every year and out of these 15-20 million are said to be from India. In Indian framework, 40 percent of the infertility problem is attributed to males, 50 percent to females and the rest are causes common to both. The males are considered a major contributory factor to infertility. Male infertility can be attributed to as varicocoele, cryptorchidism, infections, obstructive lesions, cystic fibrosis, trauma, and tumours. Add to this oxidative stress that play a vital role in sperm damage and deformity.

What is the ideal time for baby ? Is there any gender divide?
The prime time for reproduction is mid 20s. This is the time when you need to plan your motherhood. Unfortunately, career does not go hand in hand with the reproductive age. The ideal time to have a baby is upto the age of 32. Beyond this age, fertility potential takes a nose dive and it declines rapidly. Sperms dont age as does the egg but the quality and quantity get affected.

Does the use of contraceptive pills affect the fertility ?
Yes, they do tend to damage fertility. The pill manufacturers may as- sure no long term effects but the research suggests that women who have used pills are more likely to face problems with conceiving. The powerful hormones take time to wear off and are believed to disrupt the reproductive system for a long stretch of time.

Every couple has the biological right to have children. Mothers Lap is dedicated to making this a success and a reality

At Mothers Lap, how exactly do you address infertility ?
In harmony with the infertility treatments, Mothers Lap IVF Center is designed to address most of the fertility problems under one roof. For the comfort of the patients, all the facilities are available here and this is not only economical but time saving for the patient as well, We are very serious about counseling and ensure that the patients have the peace of mind which is most essential. The medical staff and the clinic personals are available round the clock. At Mothers Lap, we help the couples to maintain harmony and balance between their mind, body and soul through meditation, healing  music therapy, balanced diet charts. Stress is a big culprit in robbing fertility. There are studies that indicate that patients undergoing IVF experience high levels of stress, depression and anxiety. They ultimately  amage and disrupt hormonal balance between pituitary, ovary and uterus leading to inability to ovulate healthy mature eggs and inability to implant fertilised eggs. In males, the sperm count is compromised. Based on the couples preferences, we have a set of stress relieving programes that tends to shift the couples focus from conceiving a baby to living in harmony and enjoying their relationship with each other .

What is Mother Laps success rate in overcoming infertility ?
Achieving pregnancy depends on various factors like quality of the embryo, lab facilities, doctors methods of treating, and body acceptability, factor of the patient. We believe that there is success when the patient achieves pregnancy and also delivers a healthy child. Our success rate is 50-60 percent in IVF, 15-20 percent IUI and 60-70 percent in surrogacy. The number of patients or cases that we entertain each day is fixed at 10. This ensures that there is  sufficient time for both of us.
How does the cost of IVF in India compare with that of other countries? Can this be a factor in promotion of medical tourism ?
Certainly India is a healthy choice for surrogacy and IVF treatments. The cost difference is huge. The average IVF cost varies between `1.5 to 2 lakhs as compared to around 25,000 USD in the US. Even in Bangkok it amounts to `3 lakhs. It is expensive in the West for various reasons, like insurance cover. Secondly, here, we usually place two to four embryos in the uterus at one time or cycle but in the West, the standard protocol is a single embryo in each attempt. It is not just the cost factor which attracts a foreign patient. The quality of service and the technical lab that we have is at par with the best. Medical tourism is already a growing sector in India. Low priced health care procedures have a global appeal.

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