Shiban Ganju,President of AtrimedPharmaceuticals andconvener of iHIND, hasplans to develop andintegrate end-to- endelectronic healthcareinformatics network inIndia. iHIND is a nationalinteroperable healthinformation network,which enables variousstakeholders to haveaccess to healthcareinformation
A pilot for rural health IT has been conducted to connect 16 Rajiv Arogya Yojna clinics in Amethi, UP. The collaborators in the project being IAMI, CDAC, SAI Tech, Asia Heart Foundation and Save A Mother Foundation
Shiban Ganju
President of Atrimed Pharmaceuticals
and Convener, iHIND
iHIND (Indian Health Information Network Development) is a national volunteer leadinitiative for creation of a HIN (Health Information Network). It takes account of Indias626 districts and uses a hub-and-spoke model to connect various healthcareentities and aggregate data. The initial 20 member team has rapidly grown to 41.iHIND has expertise in various fields, including drug surveillance , improved healthcarequality, healthcare finance and technology, secure access to data on demand,reduction of duplication and errors, fraud and abuse prevention, public health andplanning.
A pilot for rural health IT has been conducted to connect 16 Rajiv Arogya Yojna clinicsin Amethi, UP. The collaborators in the project being IAMI, CDAC, SAI Tech, AsiaHeart Foundation and Save A Mother Foundation.
Policy Matters
The government health department, insurers provide need based access, which isrevenue neutral data. This is minimum data created to merge into clinical UID andUHID. Policy framework is important to facilitate the data to access issues pertaining to healthcare. The national autonomous (neutral), governing council looks after theaccountability issues, and ensures appropriate participation, policy and legal consistencyand transparency.
The draft policy work was submitted to the Ministry of Health in April 2010 for the startof a pilot in rural and urban districts. In the meanwhile Health Secretary formed a teamto identify EMR standards for India with a six month mandate. The team is working onthis and making good progress and we expect to complete the work in March 2011.
Futuristic Models
The iHIND foundation designs, develops and integrates an end-to-end electronichealthcare informatics network in India to improve public health, health research andthe delivery of healthcare. The healthcare department needs to identify standardsnecessary for India and comply with international standards. Establishment of open source, open architecture, tools and components that support standards-based development and operations of the healthcare systems is equally important. The initiative ensures systems interoperability across all platforms and mediums and aimsto assess potential privacy and security issues and set up guidelines for its compliance.It also helps to develop methods of certification and accreditation process forall healthcare stakeholders. .
The work is primarily focussed on empowering the rural in India with improvedhealthcare infrastructure. With the successful implementation of Telehealth programmes,an initiative taken up by UNICEF and Bill Gates Foundation, the maternal mortality rates have fallen by 93 percent in 1000 villages in 39 districts. The cost of thisIT project is also quite low.
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