In a meeting held with Chief Ministers of six states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Odisha, Maharashtra and Kerala, Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed concern over the increasing Covid-19 cases and deaths.
The Prime Minister pointed out that during the last week 80% of cases, as well as 84% deaths, were from the states present in the meeting. “Initially experts believed that states, where the second wave originated will see the normalization first. However, increasing numbers in Kerala and Maharashtra are the cause of grave worry,” he said.
Union Health Secretary, in the meeting, discussed the Covid cases in the country, and talked about the need to reinforce Covid appropriate behaviour and containment measures in the districts with the high caseload. He also suggested that opening up of these districts should be done in a graded and calibrated manner.
The Chief Ministers talked about the steps taken to boost medical infrastructure and gave suggestions on dealing with any possible rise of cases in future. They also discussed post-Covid issues being faced by patients and steps being taken to provide assistance in such cases. They gave assurance that they are doing their best to control the surge of infection.
The Prime Minister also said, “All of us are at a point where apprehensions of the third wave are continuously expressed. Despite experts giving positive signals due to the downward trends increasing the number of cases in few states is still worrisome.”
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