As creating an adequate data base has emerged as the key goal of both central and state governments, e-Mamta is playing a crucial role in the state of Gujarat in addressing the challenges related to lack of sufficient tools to maintain data on pregnant women due to which information related to both MMR and IMR remains largely unchecked despite posing a daunting challenge for an emerging country like India to ensure quality care & better services to all, Hemangini Rajput of Elets News Network (ENN)
The web-based software application e-Mamta covers nearly 84.4 per cent of the population of Gujarat. So far, the software possesses an organised database of about 1.18 crore families in all the 33 districts of Gujarat, covering about 5.51 crore individuals, the system generated unique health IDs, which have been provided to individual pregnant mothers, individual children within the age group 0 to 6 years and adolescents. This assures that complete services of antenatal care, child birth, postnatal care, immunisation, nutrition and adolescent services are extended to the target segment.
Work Plans
The comprehensive Work Plans are versatile tools to the service providers at the grass-root level to determine the latent recipients of the services along with their details. Through e-Mamta, accurate reports and various analyses are segregated for further increasing the efficiency and utility for optimal public welfare through reports, health cards, nutrition chart, immunisation cards, pregnant woman Hb/wt chart and graphical analysis of various indicators.
Complete Lifecycle Approach
The e-Mamta system has passed on various critical benefits to the citizens of Gujarat. Through its Complete Lifecycle Approach, the system records the data from birth to death of an individual. It incorporates work plans at the grass-root level for a clear understanding of the targeted beneficiaries. Through the provision of unique IDs (UIDs) to individuals, issues like migration/transfer in service delivery and duplication of registration of mothers is resolved. The system records every individual as one single unit, ruling out the possibilities of excluding even one person.
e-Mamta application is implemented in four steps, namely family health survey, pregnant women and child registration, work plans to track due beneficiaries, service delivery and tracking of left outs. Work plans- the heart of e-Mamta, has been introduced for the first ever time where detailed schedule of due RCH service is prepared for each grass-root level workers.
Use of work plans ensures that maternal and child health service reaches each pregnant woman and children in time, which in turn is critical in the reduction of infant and maternal mortality. The system enables member search on several parameters like name, name of village, ration card number, mobile number, health ID, family ID, bank account details, Rashtriya Swasthaya Bima Yojna card number, Below Poverty Line card number and UID.
e-Mamta “ Key Takeaway |
High rates of maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) are amongst the daunting challenges confronting public health in India. The total MMR rate of Gujarat according to the Sample Registration System for the year 2007-09 was 158 per 1,00,000 live births. The total IMR rate of Gujarat as per the Sample Registration System for the year 2008 was 50 per 1,000 live births.
The State of Gujarat took a velocity in this and initiated e-Mamta, a Mother and Child namebased information management system. It has played a noteworthy role in promoting institutional delivery. e-Mamta is innovative as it is intended to harness the benefits of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve effective and efficient delivery of healthcare services available. The programme has been designed to cover the entire state of Gujarat and specifically caters to rural and urban slum communities. The initiative was conceived by the State Rural Health Mission of the Health and Family Welfare Department, Gujarat in January 2010 and was implemented in May 2010.
All pregnant women
All infant
Affirmative Impact of the Project on community
- Use of work plans showing improved coverage in urban and semi urban areas, tracking of mothers made possible in hard to reach tribal areas.
- Auto generated SMS are sent to ANC mothers and families of children for due ANC and vaccination services. SMS being sent from e-mamta to intradepartmental employees for better coordination.
Key Challenges
- High rates of MMR and IMR are amongst the daunting challenges confronting public health in India
Our Success Journey
Details regarding ANC registered, delivery registered and child registration from the year 2010-11 in e-Mamta is shown in the following table
# | Year | ANC Registration | Delivery Registration | Child Registration |
1 | 2010-11 | 903,901 | 415,593 | 551,333 |
2 | 2011-12 | 1,170,095 | 780,354 | 841,249 |
3 | 2012-13 | 1,298,983 | 996,208 | 1,038,813 |
4 | 2013-14 | 1,332,095 | 1,116,097 | 1,138,723 |
5 | 2014-15 | 1,178,408 | 1,038,425 | 1,025,837 |
Date | Achievements |
January- 2010 | e-Mamta conceptualisation and data entry modules developed |
May-2010 | e-Mamta project launched all over Gujarat |
July-2010 | Presentation in review meeting of NRHM in Bhopal and announced for national roll out. |
August- 2010 | Training to state nodal officers & state data entry managers in four batches of all the state in Delhi & Gandhinagar. |
December- 2010 | Recognised as the finalist in the 2010 for Manthan Award. |
August- 2011 | e-World Award |
September- 2011 | Diamond EDGE Award 2011 |
October- 2011 | India Tech Foundation Award 2011 |
February -2012 | Outstanding Performance in Citizen-Centric Service Delivery-Silver award by Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances GOI |
February -2012 | ICT-Led National Social Innovation Honor-Government Bodies By NASSCOM Foundation |
February- 2012 | Successful Implementation of IT Projects in Government by GESIA |
July 2012 | One of the Finalists for mBillionth Award |
- The impact and attainment of the e-Mamta inventiveness has been significant. It has been able to accelerate the process of effective and efficient delivery of health services to the people at grass root.
- Institutional delivery rate in the state has increased from 77.8% in 2007-08 to 97.5% in 2014-15
- IMR in the state decreased from 50 in 2008 to 36 in 2013 (as per SRS) per 1,000 live births
- MMR of the state decreased from 148 (2007-09) to 112 in 2011-13 (as per SRS) per one lakh live births
- In the improvement of IMR, MMR and institutional deliveries rate in the state e-Mamta had played critical role through tracking of services
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